Monday, October 21, 2013

12E - Brand values (Mr Halsey)

According to Gillian Dyer (Advertising as Communication, 1988) advertisers use, among other techniques, lines of appeal to create brand identities and attract their target audience.

Institutions use these images, references or suggestions to tap into our desires and make us ‘feel part’ of the brand. Dyer suggested lines of appeal could be classified into 13 groups:
  • Happy families - everyone wants to belong 
  • Rich, luxurious lifestyles - aspirational 
  • Dreams and fantasy 
  • Successful romance and love 
  • Elite people or experts 
  • Glamorous places 
  • Successful careers 
  • Art, culture & history
  • Nature & the natural world 
  • Beautiful women - men AND women like looking at beautiful women, so the thinking goes: men admire them, women admire what makes the men admire them. 
  • Self-importance & pride 
  • Comedy & humour 
  • Childhood - can appeal to either nostalgia or to nurturing instincts 

Brand values task 100-10-1

Choose 5 brands. For EACH brand:

1) Sum up the brand values in 100 words, making reference to Dyer’s lines of appeal.

2) Distil the brand values into one sentence of no more than 10 words. 

3) Sum up the brand in ONE word.

Example: Starbucks

1) The Starbucks brand is clever because it comes across as a friendly, local-style company when it is in fact a massive global business. Its brand values would be about quality, lifestyle and a personal touch.  Starbucks could fit into several of Dyer’s lines of appeal: Happy families - everyone wants to belong, hence Starbucks asking your name when you order. It could also fit into Successful careers – Starbucks is for hard-working, successful people who want to enjoy life. Finally, Self-importance and pride links to Starbucks taking coffee seriously and its employees and customers having genuine passion for the brand. (100 words)

2) The Starbucks brand is about quality with a personal touch. (10 words)

3) Starbucks in one word: Passion.

Due: by the end of Tuesday's single lesson

Monday, October 14, 2013

12E homework - Mr Halsey

Your homework is to make sure everything we've done on Institution is up on your blog. That means the following needs to be posted:

For your 8 minute lesson on a particular media institution:

  1. Write up your feedback on your blog, dividing the points into WWW and EBI.
  2. Upload your Powerpoint, notes and anything else from your lesson (videos, images etc.) on the same blog post.
  3. Write an evaluation of your lesson, reflecting on what went well and not so well from your perspective.

In a separate blog post:

Write a channel profile for the TV channel you have worked on in class.

Due: Monday 21 October

12D homework - Mr Halsey

We're getting towards the end of our Film Language unit and have seen clips from some of the best films in cinema history. In order to finish the unit, we've got a lot of homework to get through but this week you'll have plenty of time due to the training day and strike.

The tasks are as follows:

Cinematography task (camera shots and movement)
Choose two extracts from different eras (e.g. one from the 1940s and one from the 2000s) and analyse the cinematography.  What are the key differences? Upload the extracts on your blog by embedding the YouTube videos and write the analysis below.

Editing task
Choose an extract that you think has been edited in a distinctive way and write a 750 word analysis. Upload the extract on your blog by embedding the YouTube video and write the analysis below.

Film Language revision
Before half-term you will have a written test that will involve analysing a film clip. Revise everything we have covered in this unit: mise-en-scene, sound, camerawork and editing.

Due: Monday 21 October