Saturday, October 29, 2005

Bullet Boy Homework

For 12C students…

Mr Munro informs me that a number of people in the class didn’t follow the very clear instructions that were provided about work you had to do during my absence on Thursday and Friday (20/21-10-05).

Here is a reminder:

  • Take seven sheets of A4

  • On each sheet, cover a different Key Concept in relation to ‘Bullet Boy’

  • Try to include as detailed notes as possible on each one

  • Use the Key Concepts questions from the specification (and film reviews from the internet) to help you
(pages 21,22: 9.4.1-9.4.7). Also available at Key Concepts Questions.
  • Compare your ‘Bullet Boy’ MIGRAIN Brainstorms with at least three different people in the class. Add any points that you didn’t include on each of the seven pages.

  • Make a list of as many points you can remember – with as much detail as possible – of the questions asked and the answers given by the Verve Pictures producer at the ‘Bullet Boy’ screening.

  • Don’t forget the other homework – go to Macguffin and see the post for October 13th entitled ‘Media Awards Evening ‘05’.

All work must be completed by Thursday 03-11-05.

Your interim report grades will be informed by this!


  1. umm thats not our class is it :s... i swer we hav sum other work???

  2. No, Sherish - it's only for 12C. You're 12D - your work's in the post below.
