Saturday, March 25, 2006

Mock Exams

For all Year 12s...

Don't forget...mock exams are next week and you should all be revising hard for them this weekend. This is your only chance to practise these questions and develop these skills under full test conditions so make the most of the opportunity - if you haven't prepared you'll be wasting both your own and your teacher's time as the only feedback you'll get is 'do some work' - not very helpful when the purpose is to help you improve for the real thing on June 8th.

The dates/times are (in case you've forgotten)...

  • MODULE 2 Mock for 12C - Monday 27-03, periods 1 & 2 (in E01)
  • MODULE 1 Mock for 12C - Tuesday 28-03, periods 7 & 8 (in P06)
  • MODULE 2 Mock for 12D - Tuesday 28-03, periods 3 & 4 (in P06)
  • MODULE 1 Mock for 12D - Wednesday 29-03, periods 3 & 4 (in P06)

Your revision/preparation should be...

  • Revision of MIGRAIN - key questions to ask, keywords/glossary + film language worksheets.
  • MIGRAIN analysis of 'Neighbours' title sequence (15 minutes note-taking/planning;one hour writing).
  • MIGRAIN analysis of any non-fiction title sequence of your choice (15 minutes note-taking/planning;one hour writing).

  • Read through all notes on the key texts...
  • Film & Broadcast Fiction - 'Bullet Boy', 'City of God', 'Curb your Enthusiasm'.
  • Documentary - 'Bowling for Columbine', 'Big Brother', 'Man With a Movie Camera', 'Triumph of the Will'
  • Read through all 'Film & Broadcast Fiction' & 'Documentary' past questions.
  • Write essay plans for as many different questions as possible.
  • Complete at least one timed essay for each topic (Film, Doc - 45 minutes/question).

Good luck and make sure you turn up on time!!

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