Monday, May 15, 2006

Mentor Evaluation

For 12C & 12D students...

So you've evaluated the benefits of using blogs when working on the Practical Production - and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive so it looks like they're here to stay. Now it's time to ask whether having student media mentors to advise and support you with your coursework was a good idea or not. It's not the first time we've employed students in this capacity but the whole scheme was greatly expanded this year whereby either Danny, Chiraag or Sofia from Year 13 were on call every day, both before and after school, to troubleshoot for you and offer you assistance. Was it worth it?

Please answer the following questions as fully as possible, providing concrete examples where you can. Remember to put your name at the end of your posting so we can check off who has completed the task and reward the most detailed responses (credits at the very least). The deadline for completion is Friday 19th May...

1. How did the media mentors help with your practical production/editing?
  • Did they offer useful advice?
  • Were they polite and professional?
  • Were they supportive and encouraging?
  • Did they have the right level of technical expertise?
  • Had they received the right amount of training?
2. Do you think you did better in your practical production through having had the mentors' support?

3. Do you think next year’s Year 12s would benefit from having media mentors? Is it a good idea?

4. What could be improved about the mentoring system?

5. Would you be interested in being a media mentor? Why?


  1. 1)The media mentors were a reli gd help 4 our group, lik Chirag helped wid the baby section and other parts and danny helped wid the whole doc generally. Their advice woz reli helpful an i couldnt hav done it wid out dem!! Dey were reli poltie an definatly professional coz dey knew wot dey woz on bout, an helped me understand how 2 work fings. I fink they hav all had the right amount of training although i wasnt in on times Sofia woz.
    2)I think havin the mentors support woz reli helpful an as i sed i couldnt hav completed ma doc the way it is if they didnt help.
    3) the mentors idea woz reli gd an im sure it would help the nxt yr 12 as much as it did us.
    4)urmmm im not sure
    5)im not sure, sounds interestin

    xxKelly Jellyxx


  2. Can I remind everyone that this is NOT a forum for unnecessary criticism or personal insults. As you can see - I've had to remove a number of posts that were straying too far from the questions you've been asked. I'll be speaking to the students involved today.

  3. I would like to congratulate every1 and all the productions for their grades. I fink u all worked reali well and i'm glad i could help. I know how hard u all worked and suffered the same amount of stress i did last year. Well done, u all deserve what u got.


  4. 1) to be honest, we didnt get any help...only once from Danny, and he spoke to Navdeep about yeah, i dont have much to say.

    2)Danny's advice did help our production, he gave some good ideas about slowing down music.

    3)Having media mentors is a great idea, next year12s will definatly benefit

    4) i think the system was fine the way it was

    5)um...yeah i wouldn't mind being a mentor, i say this now...might change my mind nearer to the time :)

