Sunday, October 15, 2006

Kidulthood Trip

Don't forget that you must be at Ealing Empire Cinema on Uxbridge Road (opposite Ealing Town Hall) by 9.45am at the latest Tuesday 17th October.

You've been given your Kidulthood packs (with all the tasks you have to do in relation to the film) but if you lose them they can be downloaded from here. (So no excuses!)

Also, check out these relevant webpages...

Make sure you ask the director of the film lots of questions when you get the chance (a credit to anyone who's brave enough).

Then, after the film, as well as completing all the questions in the pack, please leave a comment about the film after this post. It must be a minimum of 50 words, it should be written in standard English, and it should evaluate the film's strengths and weaknesses (like you did for the student productions you saw...refer to film language etc.)

Also, give the film a star rating (out of five...five = excellent, four = v.good, 3 = good/average, two = poor, one = terrible).


  1. One of my favourite productions was Bullicide, this was because it was a serious film and there was good acting.

    The mise-en-scene was good; the facial expressions were realistic like what you would expect to see if that incident of bullying and his dad not paying attention to him had happened in real life. The acting was second to none it was so good.

    The lighting was also good use. They used, high-key lighting in their production and they also used a bit of top lighting.

    In their production, they used Diegetic sound; you could hear the T.V in the backround when Baljit’s mates visited his house to check-up on him.

    The cinematography used is brilliant. They use a variety of close-ups on the subject to show his emotions and this is also used so that the audience also can relate to Baljit’s emotions. I also think that they used a few fades.

    The editing was not really recognisable, but in Media Awards booklet it says they went through 8 tapes, which means that they must’ve gone through a lot of editing.

    Another of my favourite productions was a life of grime, this is because it was interesting and this production also had a lot of stereotypes of black teenagers.

    The mise-en-scene was good; I liked the way they had shot certain scenes, like for example in the Alley way when there was a rap scene going on.

    The lighting was good use in his film, they had used low-key lighting I think because they had shot some scenes in an alley way.

    They used Diegetic sound in the production and they also used parallel sound. The parallel sound was used as a stereotype in my opinion; this is because every time there is a teenage black boy in the film the audience associate them to be rapping and a gangster. The use of both diegetic and parallel sound came to good use in this production.

    The cinematography used was good. As I said before, I thought the alley-way scene was good and the still image of Ashley standing on the street was also good. Another good use of the cinematography was when they used the close-up on the woman who I think was Ashley’s mum. They also used a close-up on Nathan when he was rapping. Also in this production they used some fades.

    By Satvinder G

  2. I felt Kidulthood was an interesting film, this was because it illustrates well known occurences with teenagers such as the use of drugs, violence and pregnancy, it therefore proved a realistic film.

    The camera shots used, were mostly point of view shots which again forced the audience to identify with the characters and resulted in the film proving effective, there were also extreme close ups used on the violence featured, which created shock and susprise for the audience.

    In general the film proved educational, entertaining and shocking in various scenes.


  3. Kidulthood was a good film. There where sterotypes of teenagers and there where some good camera angles. There was different lighting used such as low-key, there was diegetig sound and the editing was good.
    Parminder said it was the worst movie he's ever seen.

    By Satvinder Singh

  4. Kidulthood was a very good film as it successfully illustrated the typical stereotypes associated with youth such as drugs, parties and sex. There were close up on the main character's faces when taking drugs. This gives the audience an insight into the effects of drugs and how people take them. The film also had the frequent use of loud and fast non diegetic parallel music during the fight scenes in order to speed the sequence up and add to the exitment. Overall, except for the horrible bits, Kidulthood was a brilliant film!

  5. Kidulthood was a very good film as it successfully illustrated the typical stereotypes associated with youth such as drugs, parties and sex. There were close up on the main character's faces when taking drugs. This gives the audience an insight into the effects of drugs and how people take them. The film also had the frequent use of loud and fast non diegetic parallel music during the fight scenes in order to speed the sequence up and add to the exitment. Overall, except for the horrible bits, Kidulthood was a brilliant film!

    Sonia Kapoor

  6. "kidulthood" was interesting but i didnt personally like it...i would giv it a 3! the narrative was just about sex, violence n drugz and showed the stereotypes of teenager boys and girls.. and jus to add to the fact that not all girls act in the way they were portraid through out the movie and neither are all the boys...i did enjoy the film but overall it doesnt have much of a strong moral to it.

    the editing and cinematography was well thought about and things like that kept the whole film going and the audience hooked on.. i personally think there was no need for that one extra scene to be added which involved cutting a manz face. But there were a few scenes that were funnyy but it was also a very emotional film.

    Manveer Basran

  7. I thought Kidulthood was a very good film but was sad towards the end, which upset me.

    The director used teenage sterotypes to star in this film, which gave the film more realism.

    Cinematography in this film was also good. For example, when two teenage girls were taking drugs, the screen started to blur, which emphasises the characters feelings.

    Point-of-view shots also helped us identify with the characters in the film.

    Over all, i rate this film 5/5

  8. Talking about Kidulthood; I say that it was a very good film as it successfully illustrated the typical stereotypes associated with adolescence in the society today such as drugs, crime/violence and sex.
    There were many different shots and effects used to portray different characters’ lives/situations. The Mise-en-scene especially emphasised on the adolescences lives, e.g. props were linked with the key concept of representation.
    Camera shots-like medium/close up’s on the protagonist’s faces when taking drugs, showed the audience an insight into the effects of drugs and how people take them.
    Using low-key lighting, and mixture of edits aided towards the great success of the cinematography.
    The film also had the frequent use of loud and quick non-diegetic parallel music during the fight scenes, in order to increase the pace of the movie and to build up tension on the way along. Also the use of diegetic parallel music during the party, balanced it out, so mixture of both sound types were used.

    Overall, except for the foul scenes, which made me uncomfortable as I was fasting, Kidulthood was a brilliant film!
    The film did intend to show more realism but at the same time showed a bit of escapism, because not all adolescences are like the way they were exposed, the director had shown the extreme state of affairs, which we don’t usually see, well we do but we can say he/she exaggerated it. I can say that the movie was a Hybrid, as there was love, crime, family affairs and social drama. The hype I had towards this movie, responded in a reasonable way.

    Hammad Khan

  9. I would give Kidulthood a rating of 3. In one sense, the film was good, as us being the target audience, are able to relate with the characters. The close up shots were really effective as it accentuates the characters emotions, therefore we can identify with them. There are also point of view shots, where we can see exactly what the character sees, this helps the audience identify, and also sympathise with the characters, and creates a more emotional atmosphere

    On the other hand, there is too much of a stereotype of the youths of today, and the film seemed to be based just around drugs, sex and violence, implying that all teenagers are like this. There didn’t seem to be any moral either, making the movie seem quite pointless.

    Pooja Pankhania

  10. i think that kidulthood was a good film i rate it 3 because it was interesting in some way because it was showing us how teengares live,
    it was entertaining us but in the same time it was conveying to us the problems that teenagers face.
    the scenes were filmed in a good way, this movie doesnt represtent the whole generation of teenagers, because only some teenagers are like that. because lot of scenes were hot when they were using drugs or having sex or fighting.
    it was filmed good when we could identfy with the characters when they were remembering what had happened when the girl was crying and the boy was crying, they were showing two scenes at once so we colud see that she's thinking of him and he's thinking of her.
    i liked the film it was filmed in a good way and the editing was good , the music was non diegetic in somescenes, but i rate it as 3 because not all teenagers are like that it has a bad representaion of teenagers in some way most of the scenes were when they were using drugs or having sex or fighting, but although it made us learn something that there are some teenagers live like that.
    Lamia Hakiki

  11. I thought kidulthood was a good film; it portrays the life of teenagers in a realistic way though some parts may be slightly exaggerated, it shows what dilemmas teenagers face on a daily basis which included sex, drugs, crime and fighting. I also thought that stereotypes were successfully represented.
    The camera angles used such as close ups and medium close ups conveyed emotions especially at the end of the film during a fight scene and when they were taking drugs
    Lighting used was both high and low key for different settings which contributed towards cinematography.
    Music was a combination of parallel – diagetic and non diagetic depending on the scene.
    therefore i give this film a 5 rating!

    by neema wadhia

  12. I think that kidulthood was an excellent film. The film portrayed some true events which occur in a teenagers life such as bullying and taking drugs, however the director has over exaggerated these factors a little too much. I would have told him this myself but i could not as he flopped!

    Alot of point of view shots were used throughout the movie. This may have been done in order to put us in the place of the actor and force us to feel how the actor is feeling, an example of this is when trevor carves a C in the mans face from the edge of his mouth to the edge of his eye.

    Overall i rate this film a 4/5

  13. lol.. i didnt really enjoy it. Wasnt my cup of tea...

    Reasons being, it didnt reflect society. Asians make up a majority of society. Infact i didnt see not even one asian child. (the only asian person was the Indian dude that owned the shop)And i felt that the realism was exagerated. w00ps.. i wasnt supposed to turn this into a essay lol but yeh..

    4 out of 10

  14. Kidulthood was a very good film which exagerated but showed some truth in todays teenagers, although may have sterotyped a few teenagers you can learn your own individual interpretation of the film...
    Amrit Birk x

  15. i thought that Kidulthood was quite a good movie. i really liked the compact narrative structure of the movie as it was based around events from just 48 hours. However, i found some of the stereotypes slightly over the top.
    i would rate this movie 4/5
