Monday, January 15, 2007

Cover Work 12C1

On Tuesday 16-01-07, 12C1 need to do the following...

Follow this link to view the new version of 'Freshie Idol' (produced by Hasnaa, Jalna and Jasmit in association with Channel 4) that appeared on T4's 'Homemade' on Saturday. Watch it a couple of times and then carry out an analysis of it using the MC CAT Practical Production assessment focii that you yourselves will be judged on when you complete your short films (write one short paragraph on each)...
  • Media Language (comment on cinematography, sound, mise-en-scene, editing, etc.)
  • Conventions (how does the production make use of reality TV and trailer conventions?)
  • Creativity (in what ways is this creative or original?)
  • Attention to Detail (consider the little factors that make this appear authentic or not)
  • Technical Proficiency (camerawork, editing, post-production sound & graphics etc.)
You'll obviously need to do this in the library or Post-16 centre, after you've registered in the classroom. Post up your finished response at the end of this (as a comment). Make sure you include your name at the end and DO NOT copy what other people have written!


  1. •Media Language:

    Cinematography and editing: Use simple cuts to add more impact, also mainly incorporates straight angle, medium shots which adds more impact through the ease of focus as well as its simplicity. Mise-en-scene: Set on Southall Broadway identifying an appropriate setting for the purpose/theme of ‘Freshie idol’. Also whilst people are singing various iconography is used to enforce the idea of ‘freshie’ stereotypically linking to Asians. For instance, when one person is singing Asian footwear is shown behind him. Sound: uses a voice over with an accent trying to stereotype. Also uses parallel non diagetic and diagetic sound.


    Makes use of reality TV conventions by showing judges and their ‘harsh’ comments (thus adapting reality tv type humour). Also shows audition clips which is always shown on music competitions like ‘pop idol’. Uses trailer conventions by ensuring that the length of the production is short and therefore gripping. Also, uses text and audience interaction to make people want to watch it.


    The production is original as their footage is first hand. Could also be seen as slightly unoriginal due to the fact that it is a parody. However, I have not seen a ‘freshie’ type parody before this.

    Attention to Detail:

    The factors that make this appear authentic are again, the original footage, shakey camera and ‘freshie’ voiceover. Also the setting at Southall broadway makes it look quite authentic due to the familiarity of it.

    Technical Proficiency:

    Camera work – has slightly ‘shaky’ shots which in a sense add to its authenticity as a documentary but does not successfully comply with the professional camera work that is usually associated with shows like ‘Pop idol’ and ‘X factor’Graphics- the freshie idol moves in a way that appears to be dancing linking to singing. As a result it creates a comical effect as well as highlighting great attention to detail.


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  3. - Media Language:

    Straight cuts at a relatively fast pace. Keeps the audience focused - similar to music videos. Long shot used when showing the judges. Emphasises the group rather than the individuals. Close-ups on individuals auditioning. Voice-over is effecting in narrating advert and informing audience. Setting - Southall Broadway, links well theme of 'Freshie', audience can identify.

    - Conventions:

    Use of judges. Auditions - gives audience a brief insight into the nature of the show. The institution - Channel 4, a channel renowned for reality tv shows, appeals audience.

    - Creativity:

    Apart from the fact the show is dedicated to 'freshies', there's nothing more creative about it.

    - Attention to detail

    Choice of setting, voice-over and ethnicity of the auditionists gives it a sense of 'authenticity', but to an extent.

    - Technical Proficiency

    The range of shots (long shots, medium shots, close-ups) give the trailer a sense of professionalism. The text used perhsps let's the mainstream image down, but the choice of music works well with the voice-over and what's going on in the trailer.

  4. jas says

    media language-the cinematography used is that medium angle shots are used to show the peoples sourroundigs. additionally the audience may get an insight of where the trailer was shot. leading to the mise en scene the surroundings of the singers suggests the trailer was shot in southal, this means that the trailer lives up to its name. many iconographies are ,are through the setting as there are asian cd's etc in the background, also the sound (parallel non diegetic and diegetic sound) and accent of the singers shows the audience the trailer links with the theme of freshie idol. there are mostly quick faste pace edits and it uses a montage sequence, and voicovers like in american trailers.

    conventions- the trailer challenges the conventions beig an all female crew of judges as this is not scene before on pop idol. furthermore the voiceover from a female with a typicial asian freshie accent challanges the conventions of an american trailer with a males voiceover.

    creativity- the trailer is creative as it uses a females voiceover. also it uses a firey effect on the "freshie idol" text. this creates the effect of the trailer being "fresh".

    Attention to Detail (consider the little factors that make this appear authentic or not)

    attention to detail- the thing that makes the trailer authentic is that tacky firey effect on the "freshie idol" text. this has never been used before which makes the trailer stand out. however they are using typical conventions like scary movie do. to make fun or humour out of another similar media text "pop idol".

    technical proficiency- the trailer uses non diegetic sound and diegetic sound which is perallel to the trailer. the music emphasises that that trailer is for asians as the music outlines who the audience would be. the are no zoom ins which are a good thing firslty it would make the trailer "tacky" and unprofessional, adiitionally its would go out of focus show ing the audience that the filmin is done by an amatuer.

    by jas

  5. Media Language:
    Medium shots were used to fully show the characters and to full reinforce the freshie stereotype by allowing the backgound to be visible. Also the sound was parallel non diagetic giving the trailer a more excited feel and also related to the topic. Shooting in southall broadway made the trailer look authentic linking to its genre of a reality TV show and also related to the theme.

    It makes use of reality TV conventions by showing the judges' criticisms and sarcasm. it has trailer conventions by showing text to give information to the audience and by keeping the length short thus effective

    the actual theme of the reality TV show is very original

    Attention to Detail:
    the trailer is authentic as it has some shakey shots.Also it is set in southall broadway hence the audience and relate to it as it is a well known area.

    Technical Proficiency:
    the sound is placed well and makes it look proffesional but there is aonly a small variety of editing.


  6. •Media Language

    The use of straight cut medium shots allows the audience to see the 'freshies' as well as various backgrounds which creates a sense of authenticity and realism. Also, a few close-ups are used to show the 'freshies' in detail when singing. The use of a voice-over with an Indian accent also gives a sense of authenticity where the potential target audience may be able to relate to it.


    The production uses trailer conventions similar to other reality TV shows; for example, clips from auditions can also be seen in American Idol. Also similar to American Idol trailers are the use of the judges opinions and arguments.


    An Indian 'American Idol' shown on a public service broadcaster has never been done before which makes it original. Although it isn't too creative.

    •Attention to Detail

    The original footage, which is slightly shaky, along with the use of an Indian voice-over, makes this trailer authentic. Also, as the location of Southall is easily recognizable by Indians it once again gives a sense of authenticity.

    •Technical Proficiency

    The uses of various colourful fonts are typical conventions, which can be seen in other trailers such as American Idol and X-Factor. For example, American Idol uses neon blue where X-Factor uses red against a black background, which allows the X-Factor sign to stand out.

  7. Media Language

    Alot of medium shots were used throughout the clip in order for us to see all of the characters. the setting is very suitable for the purpose as it is set on southall broadway and the title is Freshie Idol, these 2 have alot in common. Long shots are also used at times for example when the judges are shown in order for us to see all of the judges together as a group. furthermore, the voiceover is appropriate and matches the purpose of the clip.

    Reality TV conventions are used such as judges and the way the act emphasizes humour and the nature of the show, also, auditions are shown to make it look professional.


    the purpose and theme of the show is genuine and is creative due to the topic used.

    Attention to Detail

    The fact that it is in based on freshies and is set in southall makes it very authentic, i have not seen others like this before and it has its own style with the camera shots and voice overs.

    Technical Proficiency

    Not alot of editing, non digetic sound and digetic sound
    camera work is used to produce shaky shots, graphics such as the fire over the freshie idol writing makes it look new therefore makes it look for unique/original.

    By *The One n Only* Kunal Thakrar

  8. Media Language:
    Freshie idol uses montage sequences,when asking the public to sing a 'freshie' song.Mise-en-scene, the setting is southall broadway some might say the perfect location to find the 'ideal' freshie.

    The conventions used are 'narrative' this being the use of a freshie narrator.

    Freshie idol can be said to be unique because something like this has not be produced by anyone eles in the school.Although the whole idea of a 'freshie' could be en to be quite typical.

    Attention To detail:
    They chose what could be said as being the 'ideal' setting.As well as the use of the freshie narrator.

    Technical Proficiency:
    Graphics are used to show the title of the trailor also the camera used show jittery shot which all add to make the camera work look good.


  9. Media language:

    The music proved parallel to the production as it complimented it. The editing used a variety of cuts, to inform the audience of brief descriptions of what would happen, without giving too much away. The setting complimented the title well due to the props featured such as the asian cds and footwear, also the voiceover narration complimented the title due to the strong accent. There were close ups of people, to illustrate expression and medium shots to illustrate all the judges.

    The trailer made use of reality tv and trailer conventions, by using inter cuts and typography to persuade the audience to see the programme; also due to ordinary members of the public being featured, connotes that it is reality tv.


    The narrative of the trailer proves original, as this is the first narrative to feature "freshies", which therefore makes it original footage.

    Attention to detail:

    The location used, creates authenticity, this is also presnt in the voice over and the unique judges created; also the "shaky" camera footage which connotes reality aspects.

    Technical proficency:

    The camera work present, proves shaky which creates that authentic effect and therefore proves realistic, the editing is relatively fast paced, which results in enigma occuring and therefore persuading the viewer to want to see it, the graphics compliment the action in the scenes due to the inter cuts and encourage the viewer's interest.


  10. Freshie Idol Analysis

    M- In my point of view, I believe that the location were the shooting took place was brilliant as it had fitted well with the narrative of the trailer and made it flow. As many people can identify with this, as it has been said that Freshie’s are found in ‘Southall’. Moreover the sound used were excellent as it had once again fitted with the whole idea of Frehie, also the whole idea of this was to sing Indian songs. The editing was really good in this trailer, it was fast and snappy, it had made the trailer flow once again. One thing which I liked was the typography of the name of the trailer, it was really bright and eye catching, it looked like fire, this connoted many stuff, such as the trailer is spicy.

    C- the way in which Frehie Idol makes conventions of both reality TV show and a trailer is by, they have used a voiceover, you would hear this in a trailer as it gives you a brief outline of the film, music was used at the back which helped the trailer to flow, as many trailers use songs in their trailers, also a lot of edits were seen in the trailer, this was good as it made their trailer look realistic. The way in which it uses reality TV conventions is by having the characters if the trailer to be judges this is like X factor, grabs many people’s attention.

    C- the way in which this is creative is by the typography we see in the beginning, it’s bright and looks like fire. Catches the audiences eyes. I don’t believe that this is original as they have focused on a total new theme which is FRESHI

    A- the way in which this trailer makes it self look authentic is by he music heard, it fits well with the trailer, and gives the idea to the audience that they are different and have something new for us. Another thing which I noticed was that they use a lot of personal pronouns, this engages the audience to watch the trailer, and makes them part of it. Another way in which it makes it look authentic is by the location which is Southall, people can identify with them.

    T- the camera shot and angles that were used were really good, I liked the way in which they had a medium/close up shot of the people that were singing as the audience could get a clear view of them. The music had fitted perfectly well with the trailer it made it look realistic and I liked the voiceover it was really good. The trailer overall was very colourful and it really entertained me.

    By Naziya

  11. media language:
    they uesd parellel non diegtic sound to create a realistic effect.editing was used basic cuts to create a impact.shots were mainly medium shot showing the top half of the body showing particular body language.

    express the idea of authentisity and realism. which reflects the use of sound.mostly bulit of triler conventions such as cut shots etc.


    its very original,hasn't been attempted befor.

    Technical Proficiency:
    camera work- hand held camera effect has been used. which can be related to simlar shows such as 'x-factor'.


  12. freshie idol analysis
    Media language
    the sound used matches that type of the trailer, it is typical indian music, it is also matches with the type of actors involved in there, singing indian songs. they used music tracks at the background and the voice over so it is non diegetic music.
    the producers are also using the voice over when they are showing the scenes and when they are showing the writtings using an indian accent so this trailer is typically indian.
    the ideology of trailer mostly concentrates on indian idols that can be discoverd, and that why maybe it is called freshie idol because freshie for new indian stars that are being discovered.
    the setting for this trailer maybe in a place where there is the indian population a place like southall, the mens that we saw singing are mostly shopkeepers in southhall, so that might show taht even thought they are shopkeepers they have a talent to sing, and when they are showing the first singer he is in a music shop so that is realted to the type of trailer which is about music.
    for the cinematography they used medium shots of the person singing not a close up because it is not trying to show their emotions.
    the costumes they are wearing are very casual clothing this brings us that even those normal people have talent to sing.

    this trailer after it is being made it could be shown as a reality TV show, in my opinion the aim of this show will be to discover new indian stars. it matches really good with the institution of channel4, because that is where reality tv programmes are shown.

    this trailer is very original and it is very different from any other trailers that we see in tv, it is really creative and original beacsue it is trying to show the typical indian kind of music and origianl because even the non-diagetic sound used is indian.

    Attention to detail
    the little details that the audience will hardely realise is the scenes when the girls are slapping each other, when they are hugging each other, because the trailler is not really concentrating on them but on the stars that it is related to the title. the scenes of the girls slapping and hugging is not really appropriate with the type of the does match somehow because they are arguing over the singers if they are good or no.

    Technical proficiency
    the shots used really match with the trailer when they are using the medium shots etc...
    and they are using really appropriate media language for example the sound it is really creative from any other trailers

    congratulatins to all the teams

    Lamia Hakiki

  13. The sound is parallel; it goes well with what is being shown on screen. The cinematography looks realistic, making the audience think that it is defiantly a home made video. The props which could be the ‘freshies’ go well with the video. There are different types of editing used, fast cuts, fade and more. Text has been added to the video as well.

    The video makes use of reality T.V and trailers in many ways. The video is only a minute long; trailers are usually short so this convention fits in well. Another typical convention of reality TV they use is the harshness of the judges. The video also creates humour this is another convention used. The use of text helps people understand what the video is called or when it is going to be shown or aired.

    The production is unique as I have never seen such production or video before about ‘freshie talent’. It is original because it is a parody, however, a different and unique parody.

    The video is made authentic to the viewers by the setting and the conventions used. The setting of Southall Broadway where you will find a lot of ‘freshies’ creates the authentic look to the video.

    The trailer uses non diegetic and diegetic sound which goes very well with the trailer. The music points out that the main audience for this trailer is Asians as Asian music is being played. The use of shaky shots and zoom shows the audience that the trailer is home made.


  14. This analysis was made very difficult for me to do because I have no sound whilst watching.

    The opening sequence is ironic almost and is very humorous from what I can gather. The use of the tacky typography is great for this text as it suits the humour.

    The cinematography at the opening is very good. The long shot of the girls approaching the man is very good as there is a lot in the mise en scene and yet the focus is not altered. The close up of the man singing is very good. The camera doesn’t look down nor up at him making it an impartial view of the character. The facial expression of the man singing is used in a comical way and accompanies the comical aspect of the production. The use of cuts within this is also very good. The cut between the contestants keeps the continuity and flow as grasps the audience’s attention. Also the pace of the edits is very well structured and quickens to make the ending of the trailer seem almost climatic and leaves the audience with a thirst for more.

    I wouldn’t necessarily give this production marks for originality as it is a mockery of an existing idea.

    This production uses the handheld camera and I’m inferring that diegetic sound is present which heightens the realistic aspect to the production and makes it similar to other reality shows.


  15. Media Language -> The editing in the advert is simple and helps to progress on the fact that the advert is supposed to impose humour and engage the viewers. The lighting and colouring isn't something that has been too focused on as the show is about everyday people and everyday places. The sound is very parrallel to the situation as the setting is an asian community and the music works along with it.

    Conventions -> It uses the humourous part of reality shows and gives it it's own show. The relationship between the bickering judges and the naivety of the contestants are used. The dialouge engages the audience because of it's originality and humour.

    Creativity -> As this advert is based on a show that is taken from another TV show I would say that the whole idea is creatively original. I also feel that the advert looks alot like many other adverts on TV, but it does show more of the presenters than the contestants which can be more interesting sometimes.

    Attention to detail -> The way in which the trailer has been filmed does follow other shows in it's category although there may have been too many close-ups and not enough long shots.

    Technical Proficiency -> Easily seen that the camera was moving alot and this could have ruined the look of the show by making it look unrealistic.

    Farah Khan

  16. Media Language:

    The trailer uses a variety of sounds, as it uses diegetic sound- for example when the 'freashies' are singing and it also uses non-diegetic- as a voiceover is used and music is added. The sound appears to be mainly parallel , as it portrays a different culture and goes well with the setting used in the documentary. The mise-en-scene appears to be shops in Southall- and it shows vibrant colours, which gives the documentary a lively and fun mood. Also, many straight cuts are used.


    ‘Freashie Idol’ uses the basic conventions of documentaries as it uses a voiceover but to make it more realistic, it also uses conventions such as a shaky hand held camera. Also, the ‘freashi’s’ participating are going about their daily business, which is conveyed via the mise-en-scene, which is important for reality TV.


    It is original as the idea is simple and straightforward.

    Attention to Detail:

    It appears to be realistic due to the shaky hand held camera yet it also seems quite professional, as the hand held camera is used for only for the vox pops. Moreover, the fact that the voiceover is a female voice makes it seem more realistic as usually a male voice is used. Therefore the documentary appears to be a little different.

    Technical Proficiency:

    There is a variety of different shots (long/medium etc) and also diegetic and non diegetic sound is used which makes 'freashi Idol' seem more professional.


  17. Conventions:
    Freshie Idol adapts to similar styles used in most reality tv shows, ie Pop Idol. The way the judges portray their negativity about the contestants gives us that sympathetic feeling towards the contestants which in a sense makes us one with the programme.
    Even though it may seem as a copy of pop idol, frshie idol is an original fresh idea, bringin the big reality broadcast to a small community in southall, as well as only using a certain target audience to do their broadcasting with.
    Attention to detail:
    The authenticity of this production can be shown through the original footage, no extreme editing to make it look more polished and of course the setting of Southall tops it all to give a sense of realism.
    Technical Proficiency:
    The swaying of the cam does downgrade the overall look of the production, however, it adds a sense of realism that the production was filmed live, on road, to the suprise of the contestants.

  18. Media language:

    In the trailer various types of shots have been used, e.g. medium shots have been used to show the characters emphasising that they are ‘freshies’ and how they are dressed. Non degestic sound has been used e.g. voice over and music has been added to the trailer (CDS). The location of the trailer has been set in Southall giving the trailer a authentic look.


    The use of voiceover, giving a brief outline of the show, the length of the trailer which was short and the use of text where people are aware when the programme is shown.


    The idea is very original, something new I have seen!

    Attention to detail:

    The trailer is very realistic as it follows many of the trailer convection, for example the setting of the trailer is set in Southall which give the whole production an authentic look.

    Technical Proficiency:

    The trailer uses a variety of shots such as long shot, medium and close up which gives the production a professional look making it seem like a reality TV show.


  19. •Media Language

    The medium shots that have been used are very effective as they create a realsitic and a great way to capture the freshies!Also,close-ups are used to show the freshies when they are trying to sing like stars. The use of a voice-over with an Indian accent also gives it a home feel as the target audience can relate to this accent very quickly and will be very ammused by it too.


    The production uses the American idol as one of the conventions as they use similar tactics to use and create a realistic reality tv programme.


    An Indian X factor shown on public tv this has bever been done before which gives it a unique and original idea. Although it isn't too creative because it's using other people's idea's to create it slightly diferent.

    •Attention to Detail

    The location is southall and the target audience can relate to this as majority live there and so they would be easier to target. i think the camera is abit shaky but they might have been going for that look as it's home made.

    •Technical Proficiency

    The sound that has been out on goes well and makes it professional but there ia a minimum of editing whihc kinda let's it down!


  20. Cinematography and editing...
    medium shots focus's on all characters ...showing that all of them are indian "freshies" the setting links in with the theme of being a freshie also with the title...with the familiar setting we are abe to identify that the narravtive potrays a realistic view on how people really are or how freshies act...


    same as pop idol and other music realted shows which all feature clips of auditions etc..making freshie idol funny...txt is used "coming soon" draws audience in. reality tv conventions.


    the footage was really good, and funny. kinda like pop idol...but mocking it by using freshies..couldv been bit longer..but did draw audince attention in.


    freshie voice over was good idea...making th eidea original also using different people to sing on the broadway was good.

    technical proficiency...

    camera...shaky fitting with documentary conventions...but also use of text making it more catchy...not so much editing done...but overall was realistic with setting...but too much like pop idol and x-factor.


  21. Media Language:

    The beginning of the trailer uses fade. Most commonly throughout the trailer cut is used to separate each scene.
    The camera shots that are used commonly are medium shot and eye level angle. Parallel sound is used to suit the Asian ethic background. The music is used as a sound bridge.
    A voice over is used to comment on each performer. The 'Freshie Idol' trailer is set in a Asian area, as this suits the title.


    The differnt conventions 'Freshie Idol' uses are humour in the singing. the voice over is used which is used in all trailers and the sound bridge which is a common convention used.
    the length of the trailer is short, as all trailers are short and effective.


    'Freshie Idol' is creative as they have made their own version of 'Pop Idol' but using asian. as they always sing on southall broadway.

    Attention To Detail:

    The use of music attracts the attention, as it uses english music and indian music which relates to the title and the people singing within the trailer.

    Technical Proficiency:

    The use of conventions make it seem porfessional, as it suits the catagory of trailers and the fast cutting shots suits the idea of music video's as singing is included within the trailer. The hand held camera makes it seem low budget and the camera isn't still and 'wobbles' alot.

    Posted By >>>>RaJ.e$<<<< (12C1 i fink)

  22. Media Language:
    The setting was placed in Southall which worked well with the name "Freshie Idol" The editing was mainly cuts which created a fast pace, which is ideal. Non-diegetic sound was used, as there was a voice over, this also worked well with the trailer because the voice over was done in a "freshie" accent.

    The conventions used were of reality tv. Therefore they had used scenes of judges, and creating humour by criticising the people.

    The theme is quite creative, however it is not that original, as the whole thing about mimicking "freshies" is usual.

    Attention to Detail:
    There is a sense of authenticity, as there are shakey camera shots, and also the "freshie" voice over.

    Technical Proficiency:
    The shakey shots make it look authentic, however it does not look that professional.


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  24. Joke:
    How do you make a blonde laugh on friday?
    Tell her a joke on monday
