Sunday, May 18, 2008

Module 1 Revision+Preparation

Your minimum revision/preparation for Module 1 should be...

  • Revision of MIGRAIN - key questions to ask, keywords/glossary + film language worksheets & packs.
  • Read through all Module 1 class notes, practices and handouts.
  • Read Module 1 revision pack.
  • Timed practice - MIGRAIN analysis of a range of two-minute (or less) moving image sequences...
  1. extracts, title sequences and opening sequences from any genre of TV programme or film (soap, sitcom, documentary, news, gangster, thriller, etc.).
  2. TV adverts and film trailers.
  3. video games, music videos and internet viral videos.
It is vital that you practice under exam conditions - spend 15 minutes note-taking/planning (watch the extract three times during this period) and then one hour writing your answer.

If you are short for time then you can always just do the 15-minute MIGRAIN note-taking exercise on some days but try to do this as often as possible (every day?).

Please post up as comments on here a record of the practice you have done - it will be useful for people to share ideas about what texts are good to try and an opportunity to ask Macguffin any questions about any of the Key Concepts.

And don't forget - you can email any timed essays over the next fortnight to show to your teachers (Mr Bush, Ms Jones or Ms Sivanesan) before the exam on Monday June 2nd at 9am. ARRIVE at least 20 MINUTES EARLY!!

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