Monday, September 29, 2008

12C1 Cover Work: Mon 29.09.08

Stay in DF07 for the whole of the lesson (period 1). Work quietly and sensibly. Some of you will have to share machines. Mr Babu will be monitoring you.

Start watching the lecture...An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube. Some of it you'll already be familiar with; other bits will be more challenging, but persevere with it.

It lasts 55 mins so the task will have to be completed for homework with your work posted up on your blogs by Thursday's lesson (01.10). Please ensure you've sent me your blog address! The video can be divided into the following sections...
  • 0:00 Introduction, YouTube's Big Numbers
  • 2:00 Numa Numa and the Celebration of Webcams
  • 5:53 The Machine is Us/ing Us and the New Mediascape
  • 12:16 Introducing our Research Team
  • 12:56 Who is on YouTube?
  • 13:25 What's on Youtube? Charlie Bit My Finger, Soulja Boy, etc.
  • 17:04 5% of vids are personal vlogs addressed to the YouTube community, Why?
  • 17:30 YouTube in context. The loss of community and "networked individualism" (Wellman)
  • 18:41 Cultural Inversion: individualism and community
  • 19:15 Understanding new forms of community through Participant Observation
  • 21:18 YouTube as a medium for community
  • 23:00 Our first vlogs
  • 25:00 The webcam: Everybody is watching where nobody is ("context collapse")
  • 26:05 Re-cognition and new forms of self-awareness (McLuhan)
  • 27:58 The Anonymity of Watching YouTube: Haters and Lovers
  • 29:53 Aesthetic Arrest
  • 30:25 Connection without Constraint
  • 32:35 Free Hugs: A hero for our mediated culture
  • 34:02 YouTube Drama: Striving for popularity
  • 34:55 An early star: emokid21ohio
  • 36:55 YouTube's Anthenticity Crisis: the story of LonelyGirl15
  • 39:50 Reflections on Authenticity
  • 41:54 Gaming the system / Exposing the System
  • 43:37 Seriously Playful Participatory Media Culture
  • 47:32 Networked Production: The Collab. MadV's "The Message" and the message of YouTube
  • 49:29 Poem: The Little Glass Dot, The Eyes of the World
  • 51:15 Conclusion by bnessel1973
For each section, post up at least one key idea/fact (but 2-3 if you're gifted and talented) on your blog.

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