Monday, October 20, 2008

Evaluations 10.08

To be completed over the course of the next week (by Friday 24-10).

Your responses will be used to help write your Interim Reports and help us to plan a better course for you.


Write an evaluation of your progress on the Media course so far.
Post the work up on your blogs. If you haven't been asked to set one up yet then do this work on paper and hand in to your main Media teacher.

a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:

(Grading should be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • Attainment
  • Effort
  • Punctuality
  • Submission and quality of homework
  • Ability to work independently
  • Quality of writing
  • Organisation of Media folder
  • Oral contributions in class
b. Make a list of three achievements (www) and three targets/areas for improvement (ebi) over the next half-term.


Write an evaluation of the actual course/teaching.
Please submit the work as a comment on this blog after this post. Include your name!

a. Answer each of the following with a grade (1-5), giving reasons/examples:

(Grading should again be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • How well is the course organised?
  • How interesting is the content that is covered?
  • How useful are the handouts?
  • Have the lessons been well-paced?
  • What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
  • How well has the course met your expectations?
  • Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)
  • Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
b. Make a list of three things you like and help you to learn (www) and three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved (ebi).


  1. How well is the course organised?

    1 – Because We Get Power Point Presentations To Be Able To Understand The Course More Clearly.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?

    2 – This Is Because I Find Parts Of The Course Interesting. However, Other Bits Tend To Get A Bit Boring At Times.

    How useful are the handouts?

    1 – As It Includes All The Information We Need And Have Gone Through In Lessons.

    Have the lessons been well-paced?

    1 – Since The Lessons Are Being Taught At An Average Pace For The Students To Be Able To Pick Up On.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    1 – Because The Teachers (Mr Bush And Ms Holliday) Are Able To Help Me Overcome My Confusion, If Any, And Explain The Subject/ Tasks To Me More Clearly.

    How well has the course met your expectations?

    1 – As I Was Expecting To Be Able To Go Through The Course Since It Would Help Us When Creating Our Productions.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)

    1 – Because The Media Students Are Able To Get A Brief Idea On What To Do When It Comes To Their Productions.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1 – As We Are Able To Look Back On The Blogs Now To Be Able To Refer Back To The Work Being Done In Lessons.

    WWW –

    * The Power Point Presentations
    * Group Work / Presentations
    * Designing Posters To Be Able To Present Back To The Class. This Helps As It’s A Better Way To Be Able To Interact With One Another As Well As Learn.

    EBI –

    * More Group Work As We Would Need To Get Used To It Once We Get Into Creating Our Productions.
    * More Creative Lessons
    * More Activities Instead Of Book Work

  2. Harvinder Sahota’s Course Evaluation
    I found the course pretty straight forwards, so I would grade it 2 also the teachers which use PowerPoint presentations make the content easier to understand. Content that we are covering is quite boring for me because I have covered most of the topics we hare studying in year 11, this lead me on to giving course interest a 3, however I do believe I will find it more appealing as we start our practical production this is only the start. The handouts that are given to us in class are very useful since they explain all the work that is given and put it down on paper for us; also we have the notes for revision1. Yes, I find the lessons pace is fine for students to understand what is being taught so I will give it a 2. Excellent 1, both my teachers Mr Bush & Miss Holliday are professionals in this ground which leads them to be fantastic teachers and also I do not find it hard to talk to them if I have any problems in understanding my work. Events that are hosted by the media department such as media awards and other occasions provide to be very beneficial since they interest us students in the subject more since we have more to take part in and it is different from the normal routines of school subjects, so I will give it a 1. lastly, Macguffin Blog is awesome I will grade the Blog with 1, it helps keep you updated with the subjects and is very efficient to keep up to date with out standing work!

  3. 1 - the way we learn and the thing we learn by the step is realy good. it fits into and is in correlation to eachother

    2 - the course is fairly interesting but there are some odd moments where there is an explanation of something i already know which i understand why is done but still bores me to learn again

    1 - the handouts are very useful because they usualy have everything we jus learned in the lesson so i can always reffere back to them

    1 - the lessons are going at a good speed and moving on to a different topic always depending on all the students understanding the previous topic

    1 - the expericence of the teachers from their lives and their great depth of understanding in the media industry is realy good and potrayed just as well

    1 - the course has met evry expectation of mine so far

    1 - they make the course more lively and give each student an extra boost to make sure their productions are good so they can take place in such evenings and be able to show everyone thier skills

    1 - it has become an easier form of remembering homework and completeing it. it is more effeciant now because i dont need to write on paper on lengthly pieces of homework

    - powerpoint slides shown in class
    - group activities
    - the blogsites each student has made

    - more group activities
    - more dicussion work
    - more interaction in class time

  4. How well is the course organised?

    1- i think the course was organised very well because it was structured into different categories e.g. eMedia, Broadcasting and Print which made it easier to understand.

    How Interesting is the content that is coverd?

    1-The content that is coverd is very interesting becuase I get to learn something I haven't learnt about in particular eMedia.

    How useful are the handouts?

    1- i find that all the handouts have been very useful because it will help me when I am revising.

    Have the lessons been well-placed?

    1-the lessons have been planned very well because the teachers (Mr Bush and Miss Holliday) have used Power Point presentation which made it easier to understand.

    What is the standard of teachers' presentation/subject knowledge?

    1-I think that the standard of teaching and knowledge is very high in quality because they not only make you understand the work, but ask if anyone needs help. It is very different to the teaching that I had in my old school and is much better.

    How well has the course met your expectations?

    1- this course met all my expectations because of the quality of teaching by Mr Bush and Miss Holliday.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful?

    1-the extra-curriclar events such as the Media Awards evening was very helpful, entertaining and inspirational because it taught me a whole lot about film production that i never knew before.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1-the Macguffin blog has been very useful because its made doing homework a whole lot easier because some people might not like writing work but using the internet and doing work on it makes it more interesting.


    -all the group activites that we have done

    -Awards evening

    -teachers using powerpont presentation in lessons


    -More group works

    -More activities in class

    -Using the computers for work

  5. How Well Is The Course Organised?

    1 -> I think the course is very well organised as every lesson there is something planned for us to work on and they are very clear as to what we have to do and key terms etc.

    How Interesting Is The Content That Is Covered?

    2 -> I think that the course is interesting, the subject itself is interesting and therefore makes the course better to work around. However, the reason why it is a 2 and not a 1, is because i feel that sometimes the course gets a bit boring or the work itself

    How Useful Are The Handouts?

    1 -> I fiind the handouts extremely beneficial as it basically summarises the work we are doing, its also easier then to highlight and take in key terminology we might need. Also they are easy to refer back to.

    Have The Lessons Been Well-Paced?

    1 -> The lessons are well paced as they don't go too fast or too slow, they're just right for us to pick up on vital information, and summarise what we're doing.

    What Is The Standard Of The Teachers' Presentation/Subject Knowledge?

    1 -> I think the teachers I have [Mr Bush & Ms Holliday]help me to undersatand the work alot better especially at this stage. If i get confused or don't undrestand something, its very easily covered.

    How Well Has The Course Met Your Expectations?

    1 -> I think the course has helped me through the course well so far, although I don't think I have met my full potential yet. I think that once the productions start, The course will help me meet my expectations then.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Evening)

    1 -> The extra-curricular events have been very very useful as it is also entertaining and that makes me focus more and understand more about what I am going to have to do. We should definately keep having events like that.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1 -> Personally I think the blogs are an exceelent way of keeping track of what we have to do, and we we have already done, Its very convenient as I can catch up on anything, or i can post homework etc, which makes it vey helpful.

    > power point presentations
    > Group Work - poster work
    > Handouts

    > More Group work
    > Class discussions/work
    > More presentation work-creative work









  7. I think that the course is very well organised, because each lesson consists of well produced power-points outlining the learning objectives.

    The content that is covered is interesting, as this is best time to study media due to web 2.0

    The handouts that are occasionally given, are normally very handy. I think the amount of sheets we are given is perfect, as too many will be hard to organise and handle.

    Yes, i believe that the lessons are well paced, as i have not fallen back on any work.

    The standard of the teachers presentation and subject knowledge is good, as Mr Bush knows about the media Industry and what will be successful. Ms Holiday has great experience, as she has worked in the industry before becoming a teacher.

    The course has really met my expectations, as everything is getting covered.

    The extra-curricular activities like the media awards have been very useful, as it has given me an insight to what is expected of me and what makes a successful production.

    The blog has been very handy and i think it enables people to work online without needing a lot of assistance.

    WWW- Powerpoint presentations
    - Mediamacguffin
    - Our blogs

    EBI - More discussion
    - show us examples of films
    - More group work

  8. 1) How well is the course organised?

    1 : The Powerpoint presenations for each lesson make it more cleare to understand, rather than textbooks

    2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

    2 : The content given out is very intresting and enables us to learn about different types of media around us,however some of the content given does become boring.

    3)How useful are the handouts?

    2 : I think the handouts given out are useful if you personally go home and highlight and analyse main things rather than put them staight into your folder.

    4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

    1 : Yes because, each lesson focuses on 1 specific type of topic rather tahn more than 1 thing thrown at you, this therefore helps us to learn better and pick up the subject more easier.

    5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    1: This is because their knowledge about media helps us understand it more becuase they have had pervious personal experiences and have been teahcing this subject for many years.

    6) How well has the course met your expectations?

    1 : I always expected this course to be high standards and an enoying and so far it has met the standards i've expected them to have.

    7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)

    1 : Yes. Becuase it has made me mroe determined and made me wat to push myself into doing an amazing production.

    8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1 : Yes because it is completely different to other subjects and it shows just how widely technology has changed.

    WWW : > The PowerPoint presentations are much more easy to understand.

    > Group work is also a better way to work in Media.

    > The individual Blog sites.

    EBI > More Group work activities.

    > More discussion work

    > Using the computers in class.

  9. How well is the course organised?

    => 1- The course is very well organised, as it has clear powerpoints for the class to understand, and each structure of the class is very well organised.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?

    => 2- The content that is coverd is very interesting as it is informing and educating the students, however it can get boring.

    How useful are the handouts?

    => 1- As it includes what we have learnt, and gives the students a chance to go home and analyse the handouts for more understanding.

    Have the lessons been well-paced?

    => 1- The lessons have been well paced as it lets the students pick up on every piece of information.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    => 1- I Am very happy with the two teachers who are teaching me, as i feel they are very high know ledged and teach the students very well.

    How well has the course met your expectations?

    =>1- The course has met every expectation of mine so far.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)

    =>1- The media Awards was very useful as it was an inspiration to most students, and we look foward to proudcing ours.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    => 1- yes very useful as we are able to review our work and analyse it.

  10. How well is the course organised?

    1 - The course is organised very well because it is taught by two teachers of who are very knowledgeable of the media industry, it is also very easy to understand as the course is divided up into 3 sections: Broadcasting, E-Media and Print.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?

    1 - The content that is covered is very interesting as a lot of it is stuff that I didn't learn at GCSE.

    How useful are the handouts?

    1 - The handouts are very useful as they are basically a summarisation of what we learnt in the lesson, this makes it easy for us to refer to when revising.

    Have the lessons been well-paced?

    1 - The lessons have been well-paced as we spend about 1 or 2 lessons studying one topic and we later on move onto the next, this helps us understand better what we have learnt.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    1 - The standard of the teachers' presentation/subject knowledge is of a very high standard as both of my teachers (Mr Bush and Miss Holliday) have a lot of knowledge of the media industry and they are basically teaching us what they know.

    How well has the course met your expectations?

    1 - The course has met my expectations to a high standard as I expected to gain more knowledge and to develop new skills.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)

    1 - The extra-curricular events such as the Media Awards Evening has been very useful as I was able to view other people's productions and get ideas for how I am going to do mine.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1 - The Macguffin Blog has been very useful as it allows me to not only view the homework of which I have to do but allows me to do the homework over the Internet courtesy of the website It also gives us the chance to view the homework's produced by other media students and see if their way of learning is any different to ours.


    - The PowerPoint presentations of which are used to teach us.

    - The Blogs as we are able to view other people's work.

    - Group work.


    - More group activities

    - Using the computers in class.

    - More class discussions.

  11. How well is the course organised?

    1- As soon as we gett into the lessons theres a task set for us to get on with and we always have power point presentations which help us understand more.

    How intresting is the content that is covered?

    3- I dont think its the best top because at times it can be boring but parts of the topic can be intresting.

    How useful are the handouts?

    1- I think that the handouts that are prepared are useful because we can look back on them and there easy to understand, also the information on the handouts that are given to us are useful.

    Have the lessons been well-paced?

    1- The lessons have been well-paced its easy to understand, both Mr Bush and Ms Holliday have shown as power point presention so its easier for us to understand whereas they expand on the information given on the power points.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    1- If there are any problems where a student does not understand a part of the topic both Mr Bush and Ms Holliday explains in more depth so that known of the students are left behind so that we can all move on at the same time.

    How well has the course met your expectations?

    1- So far the course has met my expectations but i think when we start our productions it will help me more.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)

    1- I think that the extra curricular events have helpd alot such as Media Awards evening this will help me and my group on our production that we have to produce for next year, it gets you excited to do well and better in your own production.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1- I think that the Macguffin Blog has been usefull. This is because its easier for us to do our homework task that have been set and if we have missed any previous lessons you can go onto the Blog and it has everything that you have missed which is usefull so your not behind in the next lesson.

    - Group Activites in lessons.
    - Power Point Presentations.
    - Macguffin Blog.

    - More Group Activities.
    - More Interactions During Lessons.
    - Less Boring Work E.g (Book Work)

  12. How well is the course organised?


    Good Teaching, Discussions are good so the course is organised well.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?


    Movies, E-media and Television were really interesting and good but radio was boring, especially in the morning where you can easily fall asleep.

    How useful are the handouts?


    We barely get handouts but we don't need them as the teaching is good enough and the key things we need to know is on the board.

    Have the lessons been well-paced?


    Spot-on in terms of pace.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?


    teachers know alot, but I don't know about other media teachers only two so I can't really comment on others but the two I have are good.

    How well has the course met your expectations?


    The fact that radio is mentioned bores me. It's a dying mediam.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)


    Very, inspires you to make even better productions

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?


    Yes as you don't have to write some homeworks in your diaries as they are up on the blogs.


    Teaching, Group Work, Blog, Presenations etc.


    Radio dies, if you print out the powerpoints that you use and some handouts would be okay.

  13. how well is the course organised-
    1. because we get powerpoint presentations each lesson which give us a better understanding of the topic we are studying, and there are clear definitions of key words and step by step instructions for tasks we have to complete.

    how interesting is the content that is covered ?
    1) everything that i have learnt over the past term has been interesting as ive never done media as a subject before, and everything that im learning is new and exiting.

    how useful are the handouts-
    2) the handouts include all the information we have learnt in the lesson so they are good revision resources.

    have the lessons been well placed?
    1) everything that i have learnt has been taught in a pace that i am able to cope with, and a certain topic is not studied for a long time so it doesnt become boring.

    what is the standard of teachers presentation?
    1) both teachers present thier lessons in a way which makes it easier for me to study the topic and take in information while having a fun time.

    how well has the course met your expectations?
    3) i didnt really know that media included so much written work,but soon enough we will start our media productions so that will be good.

    have the extra curricular activities been useful?
    1) events like the media awards 2008 have helped me understand the expectations which people have over the work i will produce for my own production, and i have learnt what the audience looks for, and what makes them attracted to a production more than another, which will help me with my own production.

    has the macguffin blog been useful?
    1) the blog has been very useful as it has helped me catch up with work that ive missed, and if i wanted to go over something that i learnt in class i have been able to access the information. also i have been able to look at the quality of work from other students from my class.

    powerpoint presentations
    the macguffin blog
    our own blog spots

    more group work
    more active lessons
    more information on our own productions

  14. How well is the course organised?

    1- The course is structured well so far and it easy to learn things in the lessons.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?

    1- The content is covered well and is quite interesting compared to other courses. It's not always interesting but that's impossible when it comes to school work. The lessons always get you thinking about the media as a whole.

    How useful are the handouts?

    3- We don't really get too many handouts. There not needed as much because we do more group work and look at power point presentations.

    Have the lessons been well-paced?

    1- Lessons have been well placed as there is a mixture of things we do in lessons such as independent work and group work.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    1- Objectives are easy to understand things are taught clearly and coherently. Also the pace of teaching is at perfect level.

    How well has the course met your expectations?

    1- Generally the level of work is good, homework is given more often in this subject then others however the homework isn't as boring. Also the course is more interesting then expected.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful?

    1- The media awards was efficient and it showed media students the standard of work that should be put in. It's been useful as it gives people an idea and gets them motivated to want to do well.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1- Some homework's it helps give in detail exactly what the task is about. Also it helps our e-media skills by setting homework on the blogs.

    Power point presentations
    Our blogs
    Group work

    More group work
    Using computers for work
    Show examples of films

  15. How well is the course organised- 1, it good how we learn different things with different teachers, and e media, and print and broadcasting are being taught to us separately.

    How interesting is the content that is covered- 3, the things that we focus on are interesting, such as the internet and web2.0, because these are the kind of things that are involved in our life styles.

    How useful are the hand outs- 3, some of the hand outs seem pointless because we write notes on them in class, but others are helpful, because they make things look more clear and understanding.

    Have the lessons been well placed?- 2, because they are planned well to time and students can learn without being rushed or put under pressure.

    What is the standard of the teachers presentation/subject knowledge- 2 both teachers are able to answer any questions that we may have, and if they don’t know the answer they try to find out.

    How well has the course met your expectations?- 3, because the things we do are interesting, such as all of the group work, how ever sometimes the lessons can drag on and get a bit boring sometimes.

    Have the extracurricular events been helpful? Although I was unable to attend the awards, I got a lot of feed back and opinions on what people thought, and it helped me to understand the expectations of the work that I have to produce.

    Has the macguffin blog been useful? 1 because it explains the work that we have to do for homework, and allows us to catch up on work that we have missed in lessons.

    WWW- the group work that we do makes the lessons more interesting and helps to remember what we have learned. The presentations at the begining of the lesosn because they explain things clearly.

    EBI- doing more creative activites rather then just writing. Doing even more group work to help us get used to working with others

  16. How well is the course organised: 1
    Very well as objectives are, at least seemingly, set out for every lesson, activity, project etc. to achieve certain skills or understandings from them.
    How interesting is the content that is covered: 3
    Depending on weather I have an interest in the certain topic covered, will determine how interesting I find it.
    How useful are the handouts: 2
    Handouts are always useful as they cover or reinstate something covered in class.
    Have the lessons been well paced: 1
    I don’t believe lessons are going too fast and the set objectives for each lesson make it easier to prevent you from getting lost.
    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge: 1
    The teachers understand and convey the concepts and thinking behind the media very well.
    How well has the course met your expectations?
    I was familiar with the standard of the teaching and course content, so it was what I expected.
    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful: 1
    It has been immeasurably useful, as the contact is maintained content is shared very easily. Also, the sublission of work has now become easier through the blog.

    · The PowerPoint presentations are in pace with the progression level.
    · The macguffin blog helps as info is shared easily.
    · Presentations help aid my understanding.

    · More discussions could help us grasp the concepts better.
    · Group work also helps.

  17. 1. I believe the course is well organised and its organised in a way that the students can benefit from yet also have fun.

    2. The content covered is very interesing as it is fun, particularly when we are able to watch movies to analyse. As i personally prefer active learning.

    3. The hand-outs are very relevant to what we are doing, and is very usefl to our revision for future exams, however we do not really recieve too many hand-outs which is different subjects.

    4. The lessons go at an average speed, this is done to make everyone be on the same level. However once we learn a new topic we tend to skip it the next lesson, not recapping.

    5. The knowledge of teachers is very credible, as they have wide-ranges of experiences in the media, which is very useful. Particularly Ms. Holliday as she has worked in the media before.

    6. To be honest it has exceeded my expectations because i joined media as i thought it was easier subject than the rest, however ive been proved wrong.

    7. Extra activities have been very useful partiucarly media awards as it inspired to produce quality.

    8. The blog has been very useful as if you forget to write the homework down, then it is always on the blog.

    WWW- Powerpoint presentations, teachers wide range of knowledge.

    EBI- Not skipping past a topic, and possibly recapping.
