Friday, November 21, 2008

12D1 Cover Work Miss Holliday Friday 21st Nov P1 & 2

Film Poster Analysis

Study the images here and note how they have been analysed (images are also in shared documents on VLE if these are difficult to read).
Find 2 film posters of your own for British films produced in the last 5 years on a budget of less than £5m. Post the images to your blog and annotate (use headings and write up notes under each heading following the structure above using media language and key concepts). Once you have annotated both please analyse any differences between the two account for why these differences may have occured through difference in genre conventions, representation, target audience etc).
PLEASE NOTE: This analysis should be in the form of extended prose (NOT bullet points!). Students to stay in DF10 throughout the lesson to complete this work. Please all make sure you sign a register and give to the English office.

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