Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Evaluations 2

To be completed over the course of the next week (by Friday 16-01).

Your responses will be used to help write your Interim Reports and help us to plan a better course for you.


Write an evaluation of your progress on the Media course so far.
Post the work up on your individual blogs (not your Practical Production ones).

a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:

(Grading should be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • Attainment
  • Effort
  • Punctuality
  • Submission and quality of homework
  • Ability to work independently
  • Quality of writing
  • Organisation of Media folder
  • Oral contributions in class
  • Contributions to your practical production group
b. Make a list of three achievements (www) and three targets/areas for improvement (ebi) over the next half-term.


Write an evaluation of the actual course/teaching.
Please submit the work as a comment on this blog after this post. Include your name!

a. Answer each of the following with a grade (1-5), giving reasons/examples:

(Grading should again be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • How well is the course organised?
  • How interesting is the content that is covered?
  • How useful are the handouts?
  • Have the lessons been well planned?
  • What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
  • How well has the course met your expectations?
  • Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)
  • Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
b. Make a list of three things you like and help you to learn (www) and three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved (ebi).


  1. 1. I believe the course is well organised and its organised in a way that the students can benefit from yet also have fun.

    2. The content covered is very interesing as it is fun, particularly when we are able to watch movies to analyse. As i personally prefer active learning.

    3. The hand-outs are very relevant to what we are doing, and is very usefl to our revision for future exams, however we do not really recieve too many hand-outs which is different subjects.

    4. The lessons go at an average speed, this is done to make everyone be on the same level. However once we learn a new topic we tend to skip it the next lesson, not recapping.

    5. The knowledge of teachers is very credible, as they have wide-ranges of experiences in the media, which is very useful. Particularly Ms. Holliday as she has worked in the media before.

    6. To be honest it has exceeded my expectations because i joined media as i thought it was easier subject than the rest, however ive been proved wrong.

    7. Extra activities have been very useful partiucarly media awards as it inspired to produce quality.

    8. The blog has been very useful as if you forget to write the homework down, then it is always on the blog.

    WWW- Powerpoint presentations, teachers wide range of knowledge.

    EBI- Not skipping past a topic, and possibly recapping.

  2. .x Saira x.

    How Well Is The Course Organised?
    1 – As The Course Is Organised Well In Order To Help The Students Understand It More, Since It Goes Through A Step By Step Guide To Help The Students Comprehend.

    How Interesting Is The Content That Is Covered?
    1 – I Think The Content Is Very Interesting As I Don’t Get Bored Of The Work That We Have To Do. This Is Because; Most Of It Is To Do With Analysing Film Trailers. Therefore, I Find This Very Enjoyable.

    How Useful Are The Handouts?
    2 – We Don’t Receive Many Handouts. However, The One’s We Do Receive Are Very Useful As Everything We Have Been Learning Is Included. Therefore, We Are Able To Use It For Revision.

    Have The Lessons Been Planned Well?
    1 – The Lessons Have Been Planned Well As The Teachers Are Able To Make The Lessons More Interactive In Order To Involve All The Students In The Class Discussions.

    What Is The Standard Of The Teachers’ Presentation/ Subject Knowledge?
    1 - Mr Bush And Ms Holliday’s Knowledge For Media Is Very High Quality As They Are Able To Explain The Work To Us In A Lot Of Detail. Therefore, This Shows That They Have A Lot Of Experience.

    How Well Has The Course Met Your Expectations?
    1 – The Course Has Met My Expectations As We Have Finally Moved On To Working In Our Production Groups, As This Is What I Was Looking Forward To The Most.

    Have The Extra Curricular Events Been Useful? (E.g Awards Eve)
    1 – Yes They Have Been Useful Since We As Students Are Able To Have A Brief Idea On What The Standard Level Of Work Will Be For Us To Put In, When It Comes To Producing Our Media Productions.

    Has The Macguffin Blog Been Useful?
    1 – Yes As The Work Being Submitted Is There For Us To Then Review When It Comes To Revision.


    1) Powerpoint Presentations
    2) Feedback From The Homework Submitted
    3) The Next Best Step Rule


    1) More Group Work
    2) More Class Discussions

  3. 1. The course is organised well because it goes step by step order to help understand present and prepare us for future tasks.

    2. The content of the work is fairly interesting. It is always diiferent things we look at but it gets a bit repetitive at times.

    1. The handouts are extremley useful because it allows me to always be able to look back at what i have learned and understand the text better

    1. Lessons are planned very well to help prepare us for future tasks and our exam

    1. The standard of the teachers knowledge is very good. They have taught me many new things such as new ways to look at pieces of text and find something unique about the way its been produced and also theories taht relate to media.

    2. The work has met my expectations realy good but sometimes works seems repetitive which gets tedious for me personaly.

    1. The extra events have definately been useful. Its a great form of motivation for me because it would allow me to 'show off' my work and make me feel good to get recognized and awarded.

    1. The blog has definately been useful because it helps me keep track easily of my work that i have done and that needs to be done.

    - power point presentations
    - handouts

    - more group work
    - less repetitive work

  4. How well is the course organised? 1 – the course is organised well and objectives of lessons are met.
    How interesting is the content that is covered? 2 – I enjoy analysing the different texts but not tasks on research.
    How useful are the handouts? 1 – the handouts are useful and are a good revision tool.
    Have the lessons been well planned? 1 – the lessons are planned well as reflected in class.
    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? 1 – it’s strong and questions are always answered with strong knowledge of the subject.
    How well has the course met your expectations? 1 – the course is well organised and strong in teaching.
    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.) events like Awards evening that promote knowledge of the subject have been useful.
    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? The blog is very useful especially as a means of handing in HW and communicating with teachers.

    WWW: presentations, NBS rule and teacher organisation.
    EBI: more class discussions, group work

  5. How well is the course organised?
    -The course is well organised and planned so the teachers are able to inform what we will be doing next lesson so we can be prepared.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?
    -The content covered is interesting because its fun and recent therfore we are able to understand straight away.

    How useful are the handouts?
    -The handouts are useful as they are a guidline and come in handy for work extra work that we have to do.

    Have the lessons been well planned?
    - The lessons have been planned well because the work that we do is thorough meaning that the lessons allow us to understand the work better.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
    -The standard of teachers presentation and knowledge is high because we have experienced teachers e.g. Ms Holiday who has a wide range of knowledge from working in the media industry.

    How well has the course met your expectations?
    It has met my expectations as a subject which is alot of work and effort that needs to be placed within the subject.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)
    -The extra- curricular activities have been useful as they have given students inspirations into how to produce a high standard of work.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
    -It has been very useful because it means that I can't lose any of my work by paper and it is a good way to assess all the work that I have done so far.

    WWW- Blog work, presentations.
    EBI- More Group work

  6. How well is the course organised?

    1 - Due to the course being very well organised, we are able to fully understand what we will be learning within the lessons.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?

    1 - Most of what we do now is analysing film posters and trailers which allows us to find other meanings behind what we see. Therefore, I find that the content covered within the course is very interesting as it allows us to expand our knowledge into the world of media.

    How useful are the handouts?

    2 - We don't receive many handouts due to the fact that we do a lot of note taking, however the ones in which we do receive are very useful as everything of which we have been learning is included.

    Have the lessons been well planned?

    1 - The lessons are very well planned as the teachers have made them more interactive by using PowerPoint presentations which as a result has enabled class discussions to take place.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    1 - The standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge is very good as both teachers (Mr Bush and Miss Holliday) show that they know a lot about the media which enables them to explain things to us in greater detail.

    How well has the course met your expectations?

    1 - The course has met my expectations to a very good standard as we have now moved onto working on our practical productions which will allow us to show the teachers as a whole what we have learnt so far and how we are able to portray this through the use of filming.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)

    1 - The extra-curricular events have been very useful as it shows us as students what sort of level we should be working at and how much effort we should be putting in when the time comes for us to begin filming for our practical productions.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1 - The Macguffin Blog has been very useful as it allows me to recap on anything of which I may have forgotten when it comes to revising for the exams.


    - PowerPoint presentations

    - Feedback from the homework submitted

    - Next Best Step rule


    - More class discussions

    - More group work

    - Recap on what was learnt within the previous lesson

  7. COURSE EVALUATION- Harvinder Sahota

    • How well is the course organised? [2] Good… Very Simple.

    • How interesting is the content that is covered? [2]

    • How useful are the handouts? [1] Very Good… They Are Self-Explanatory.

    • Have the lessons been well planned? [2] Yes We Normally Have Something Different Every Lesion.

    • What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? [2] Good- Teachers Are Very Professional

    • How well has the course met your expectations? [1] Very Well, Especially Now That We Have Started To Work On Our Practical Productions.

    • Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? [2] Yes The Work Is Always Up and That Is Very Useful.

  8. How well is the course organised?

    1- the course has been well organised as teachers plan their lessons before teaching which has benefited students in a way that they are able to understand and acknowledge the lessons well.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?

    1- The lessons that are taught by both teachers are very interesting as it allows us to develop skills in different forms like analysing and identifying through films which keeps us very focused and entertaining.

    How useful are the handouts?

    2-The handouts that are provided are very useful as we are able to use them for revision, but we mostly take notes in our books.

    Have the lessons been well planned?

    1-The lessons are well planned out through PowerPoint presentations from the teachers and at times we have to present work to the class.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    1-The teachers presentation and knowledge of the subject is very good as they help us comprehend things that we don't understand which shows they are able to answer our questions.

    How well has the course met your expectations?

    1-The course has met my expectation as it has challenged me to a higher standard of producing quality work, and allowing my skills to develop.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (e.g. Awards Eve.)

    1- The extra-curricular events have been useful as it has been a source of inspiration.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1-The Macguffin Blog has been very useful as it is an easier way to access and do work and also helps for later revision.


    - Quality feedback of essays
    - PowerPoint presentation
    - Blog work


    - More class discussions
    - Group work
    - More class activities

  9. How well is the course organised?
    (1)-I personally think that the course is organised very well as all students are able to gain things from it and still enjoy the subject.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?
    (2)-I think that that content that is covered is interesting in many ways this is mainly because we tend to do active learning and its not boring to learn about which makes it fun to do.

    How useful are the handouts?
    (2)-The handouts that we are given are very useful this is because when we need to review what we have learnt in the past there easy to go through which again will benefit us if we have any exams and so on.

    Have the lessons been well planned?
    (1)-From both Ms Holiday and Mr Bush the lessons have been planned well. This is because as soon as we enter the classroom we are given something to do there is never a time in which we would wait for the teachers to organise the lesson.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
    (1)-Both Ms Holiday and Mr Bush’s knowledge towards the subject is set at a high standard this is because they show much understanding which gives us the idea that they have had past experience for Media Studies.

    How well has the course met your expectations?
    (1)-The course overall so far has met my expectations as we are starting to produce the work that we have been interested in doing so.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful?
    (1)-The extra curricular events have been very useful such as Media Awards this is mainly because you get to see what the past years media students have produced for their productions not only that but you can also get useful ideas. Again this would motivate us students to do better.

    (1)Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
    The Media Macguffin Blog has been useful as for the students its an easier way to produce work not only that but its also enjoyable instead of hand written work I personally think that blog work is more interesting. The Blog it self is again useful as you can also see the past years blogs which can indicate to you the amount of work and effort that other students have put in.

    WWW –
    *PowerPoint presentations.
    *Feedback from homework’s.

    *More group work

  10. The course is well organised, and well taught.

    We are getting to the interesting parts.. So things are getting better.

    Handouts are usually very helpful; ideal tools for revision.

    Yes, always seems to be a structure to lessons

    Obviously very high standard.

    it is a very good course. Completely different to how i expected it to be from a yr.11 point of view.. But nonetheless, still as fasinating.

    Sets u a target.. To make an even better production. So in a sense, they have been a great help.


  11. How well is the course organised?

    1 >

    The reason why I have given this a 1 is because Ms Holiday showed us a timetable in which the weeks were going to work and this was a organised set out timetable which enabled me to see that the course is well organised.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?


    Everything that is learnt has a meaning to it and its all new fresh ideas and topics i have never covered. This therefore is interesting to me due to the lack of knowledge that i didn’t no but now no.

    How useful are the handouts?


    I think the handout that Mr Bush gave us was very useful due to the reason that if we jus watched the slide show we wouldn’t have been able to refer back to the notes we learnt and also we were able to analyse certain things from that handout and were set tasks within that handout.

    Have the lessons been well planned?

    1> Yes.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?


    I learn a lot from both teachers and I think their knowledge and presentation from both teachers are up to very high standards and well taught.

    How well has the course met your expectations?


    I think so far into the course the course has been very exciting and now that we are about to start our practical productions I do agree that it has met my expectations and has been worth the work and wait.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)


    Yes the Media Awards was a big inspiration to me due to the fact that we are about to do our productions and have seen the expectations that are expected.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?


    Yes because it is different to what my other subjects give us feedback in and it is a very unique place where I can put my work across in a different type of style and format.

  12. How well is the course organised?
    1- The course ois really well organised as it explains everything step by step which is beneficial to students

    How isnteresting is the content that is covered?
    2- The content is interesting particularly analysing movies and trailers etc, however the text book work tends not to be enjoyable.

    How useful are the handouts?
    1-The handouts are extremely useful as they are good for revision especially as they are in note form, and explains everything you need to know clearly.

    Have the lessons been planned carefully?
    1-The lessons are planned carefully as it involves alot of class discussions whihc is helpful.

    What Is The Standard Of The Teachers’ Presentation/ Subject Knowledge?
    1- The standard is high as both teachers include alot of practical work, and at the same time go through the work in alot of detail, always going back over things if needed.

    How Well Has The Course Met Your Expectations?
    1-The course has met my expectations as we are getting to the stage of our practical productions which is something I have been looking forard to the most from the course.

    Have The Extra Curricular Events Been Useful? (E.g Awards Eve)
    1- The media awards evening was very helpful as it gave us an idea of what the productions involved and the expectations too. It gave us an overview of all the things we could include in our productions aswell.

    Has The Macguffin Blog Been Useful?
    1-I would say that the blog is useful as it is easily accessible and is there if you need to refer back to work, especially when revising etc.It also helps me keep track of work and is also easy to improve on or add to.

    www- presentations /NBS /feedback from teachers

    ebi-More group work /class discussions

  13. 1] How well is the course organised?

    1-The Course is organised very well,as we learn the right things at the right time and is specific to what we are learning.

    2] How interesting is the content that is covered?

    1-Very Interesting as i enjoy learning about new things, and everything i learn helps me to getting a good grade.

    3] How useful are the handouts?

    1-Very useful as i can revise from them, and have all the information i need in it.

    4] Have the lessons been well planned?

    1-Yes, because everything we learn is specific to what we are being taught.

    5] What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    1-Very High, as they are both very talented media teachers, and gain us with the knowledge we neeed to know.

    6] How well has the course met your expectations?

    2-Very well. and im happy we have finally started our practical production, as this is what i have been looking forward to.

    7] Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)

    1-Very useful, especially the media awards, as it gave me an idea of what high expectations are going to be needed.

    8] Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

    1-The Macguffin Blog has been very useful, as if i dont know my homework i can jus go on to it, and also if i missed a lesson, the catch up work will b on the Macguffin site.

  14. How well is the course organised?-1. I think the course is well organised as all the activities and tasks we do link with the actual course and exam.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?
    1. The content that is covered is very interesting, not just because media is one of my keen interests but in general, all the information provided is very helpful and intresting.

    How useful are the handouts?
    1. When we are given handouts they are very useful, as they provide references when we are writing essays or analysing extarcts.

    Have the lessons been well planned?
    1. all lessons have been well planned as we always have something to do.

    What is the standard of the teachers' presentations/subject knowledge?
    1. The teachers presentations and knowledge are very high standared, as we can see how much effort and time has been spent when preparing presentations. Both teachers knowledge speaks for itself, as they both know what they are talking about.

    How well has the course met your expectations?
    1. The course has met all my expectations media is the best!

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful?
    1. I think media awards is a very good idea, as it brings all media students together.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
    11111. Who ever thought of this is a genius. Best thing ever, we can see all our homework on here and tasks we need to do. Great!!
    By Rohin Thind

  15. jaspal-

    • How Well Is The Course Organised- 1) the course is organised in a way which is suitable for the students to learn easily as step by step lessons help take knowledge in easier.
    • How Interesting Is the Content That Is Covered- 3) sometimes the content covered does get boring but im looking forward to the practical productions.
    • How Useful Are The Handouts- 3) we don’t get many handouts but the ones which we do receive are precise and useful for revision
    • Have The Lessons Been Planned Well-1) I think the lessons have been well planned as all the students are up to date with the work set in the course, and every lesson is well planned and fun.
    • What Is the Standard of the Teachers’ Presentation/ Subject Knowledge-
    1 - Mr Bush and Ms Holliday’s Knowledge for Media Is Very High Quality as They Are Able to Explain the Work to Us in A Lot of Detail Therefore, This Shows That They Have A Lot Of Experience.
    • How Well Has The Course Met Your Expectations?
    1 – The Course Has Met My Expectations As We Have Finally Moved On To Working In Our Production Groups, As This Is What I Was Looking Forward To The Most.
    • Have The Extra Curricular Events Been Useful? (E.g Awards Eve)
    1 – Yes They Have Been Useful Since We As Students Are Able To Have A Brief Idea On What The Standard Level Of Work Will Be For Us To Put In, When It Comes To Producing Our Media Productions.
    • Has The Macguffin Blog Been Useful?
    1 – Yes As The Work Being Submitted Is There For Us To Then Review When It Comes To Revision.
    • 1) Powerpoint Presentations
    2) Feedback From The Homework Submitted
    3) The Next Best Step Rule


    1) More Group Work
    2) More Class Discussions

  16. 1.(1) The course is organised well so students can learn from what is being taught yet still take an interest in it.

    2.(1) The content covered is interesting as you are able to take part in what is being discussed.

    3.(1) We don't get too many handouts but that's good because i don't what unnecessary handouts that aren't needed. A good amount of handouts are given and are usually very useful.

    4.(1)Lessons are usually well planned because there is always something to do and an aim that needs to be met.

    5.(1) The standard of knowledge is very high because there is always something new I've learnt in the lessons. Also presentations look well constructed.

    6.(1) I admit it has exceeded my expectations as it is challenging yet achievable with a good level of work put in.

    7.(1) Events such as media awards have been useful, as students we now know what level of work we should be putting in and motivates us for our practical production.

    8.(1) Definitely as it has important homework's set and is a way to experience and explore the media and at the same time be doing work.

    Powerpoint presentations.
    Reviewing homework.

    Recap previous work done.
