Tuesday, March 31, 2009

12CMd2 Magazine Article (Practical Production) Feedback Cover Lesson P1 Thursday 2nd April

Please all sign a paper register and remain in DF05 throughout the duration of your lesson and complete the following work:
In order to complete your evaluations (which we will do after Easter) you need to have objective feedback about your magazine productions on the following:

  • Do they follow the codes and conventions of the magazine for which you have produced them?
  • Is the narrative structure clear (does it make sense as a feature which serves the purpose of promoting your film?)
  • Is the language and layout effective in reaching the target audience?
  • Does it meet the brief?

Show your 2 magazine feature articles to at least 3 other groups and get feedback on the above.
Once you have completed this have a look at the mark scheme for the unit. What grade would you give it and why (consider the feedback you have been given)? What changes do you need to make to maximise your grade?

AQA Mark Scheme: http://store.aqa.org.uk/qual/gce/pdf/AQA-MEST2-W-SPM-07.PDF

Homework: Type up your feedback summary and your own thoughts on the grade, based on the mark scheme, commenting also on any changes you are going to make. If you are unable to post on the blog you must print this work out and bring it with you for P1 21st April. Failure to complete the work will result in you being marked down in your coursework.

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