Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cover Work Thurs 26.03.09

A reminder that you MUST...
  • Stay in DF07 or DF06 throughout the duration of your lesson, signing in on your PC sheet.
  • Ensure that a least one person from your group is editing at every session, every day (before school, lunchtime, and after school).
  • Show your work to EVERY media mentor AGAIN before the end of the week (Harmeet, Hardeep, Rajan, Ramone, Rupal) and then look out for their written feedback on the Media Mentors 09 blog.
12C1 (p1)
  • Continue working in groups on your second magazine print production.  This needs to be completed over the weekend and posted up on to your blog by Monday 30.03.  
  • Make sure it is carefully proofread, that it follows the conventions of a model feature (or several features) already published in another magazine, and that you have shown it to another group and at least one Media Mentor for feedback.
Homework (by Monday 30.03.09)
  • Make sure all of last week's tasks and homework are completed (see below).
  • Finish Print Production 2 and post up on blog, along with all planning/drafting (scan first drafts, post up the different images you were considering).
  • Continue editing Trailer.  You should have edited to at least the 90 second mark by now.  By Monday you need to be at the two minute mark ready for checking by me next week.
  • Each individual group member write two progress reports on your blogs (1. For Video Production; 2. For Print Productions).  What have you achieved this week (www)? What needs to be improved (ebi)? What are your targets or the next best steps you need to take next week (nbs)?
Remember...there is only one week to go until deadlines now!!

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