Wednesday, September 30, 2009

12C2 Cover Work, P6 Wed 30.09

Stay in DF07 for the whole of the lesson (period 6). Work quietly and sensibly on the computers. Mr Babu will be monitoring you...please sign in on a piece of paper and leave on my desk.

On your blogs, in essay format, analyse the following newspaper front page, ensuring you include ALL the key media terminology you've recently learned...

headline, caption, anchorage, connotes, polysemic, dominant reading, negotiated reading, oppositional reading, myth, signifies, myth.

The very best answers will also include direct reference to...

font, colour, copy, framing, composition, type of shot, pose, lighting, verbal language techniques.

Highlight each keyword you include in your answer - credits for those who successfully include all 20. If you run out of time please finish for homework (for Friday's lesson). Make sure you also post the image up in your blog posting...

1 comment:

  1. Mr Bush this is my address for my blog.
