Friday, December 11, 2009

Film Language Essay

For 12C2 students...

Write an essay analysing a 2-3 minute extract from a film of your choice. There is no word limit but it must be at least 750-1000 words.

The essay must be word-processed and handed in on paper on - Monday 14th December 2009 - but also posted on your blog (with the clip as well if you get this from YouTube, but you could get it from a DVD instead).

Remember that spelling, punctuation, paragraphing, introductions, conclusions, etc. will all be assessed, as well as your ability to apply the key terms you've learnt from the Film Language pack. (Keep the pack close at hand when writing). You'll need to demonstrate your other learning on this course so far - covering MIGRAIN: the other key concepts. And use the keywords from the media glossary too.

It's not enough simply to describe the features being used; you also need to explain their purpose/effect on audiences...WHY has the director chosen to use a particular technique?

1 comment:

  1. Sonal, Rajneet, Megan & Nicki
