Sunday, September 26, 2010

12C1 HW Reminder

For Tue 28.09:

Make sure you've set up your new "Media Studies MEST1" blog and posted your name and blog address url here.

Find an interesting print advert online (ideally featuring at least one person) and upload it onto your blog.

Carry out a textual analysis of the advert, using the key ideas introduced last lesson: colour, composition, framing, size, type of shot, subject matter, setting, lighting, pose.

Write in full sentences, use paragraphs, proofread your work for spelling/punctuation, and remember to include, "This connotes..." as often as possible.

Use the Key Concepts Glossary: try to include media terminology where possible (as much as you can) and highlight each keyword a different colour from the rest of the text.

Remember to focus particularly on Media Language, Audience and Representation.

To help you, click on the links for a model of a C grade answer and a B grade answer (although these are for film posters - you're doing adverts for a specific product).

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