Wednesday, October 20, 2010

12B work Half-Term Break (VAN)

Write an analysis of the Reebok ad featuring 50 Cent. On your blogs, answer the following questions in a detailed analysis.

1. How does the ad glamorise violence? (Consider mise-en-scene, shot type, camera angle, use of sound, editing)

2. Why would a global company like Reebok galmorise violence in this way? What do you think is their intention?

3. Who is the target audience and how do you think they would be affected by the ideology of the ad?

4. In your opinion, should the ad have been banned? Why/Why not?

600-800 words in sentences and paragraphs (not bullet points)

Use MEDIA TERMINOLOGY in your response, like the use of terms such as: representation, ideology, taregt audience, demographics, connoatations, signifie, endoresement, etc

DUE: ON YOUR BLOGS by Wednesday November 3rd 2010.

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