Sunday, October 10, 2010

12C HW: Peer Assessment

To be completed by Thur 14.10.10...
1. Comment Notification
Set up: 'Comment Notification Email' on your blog. Go to 'Settings'-'Comments'-'Comment Notification Email' (at the bottom of the page) and enter the email address you check most regularly. This way you will receive an email (with the comments) every time someone comments on your blog - important when teachers/students provide you with feedback.

2. Read Exemplar Essays x2
Read: Ramita's homework... 'Media Advert Analysis' (Dior advert).
Comment: on each one (1-2 sentences), saying what you think was the main strength of the submission.

3. Peer Assess Essays x2
Read: Someone else's homework on a film's narrative structure; and someone else's on a print advert's media language.
Comment: on both answers, providing www/ebi feedback. Consider: spelling/punctuation/paragraphing, use/highlighting of media terminology, quality/development of argument, etc.

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