Saturday, October 16, 2010

12C - Work for Monday 18 Oct - Period 3 and 4

Redraft and improve your analysis of the Reebok advert featuring 50 Cent. On your blogs, answer the following questions in your detailed analysis:

How does the advert glamorise violence? (Consider the use of mise-en-scene; shot type and camera angle; editing; and sound.)
Why would a global company like Reebok produce an advert which glamorises violence?
Who is the target audience and how do you think they would be affected by the ideology presented by the advert?
Was the advert banned by the ASA? Should it have been banned?

Write at least 500 words

Try to include the following words in your analysis: ideology, representation, connotations, signifies, endorsement.

Please ensure that this work is completed during your lesson time and on your blog by Tuesday 19 October.

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