Monday, January 10, 2011

12B Production HW Due - 17/01/11

Research the codes and conventions (consider narrative, iconography, charcters and setting) of your chosen film genre and add all your research to your group's blog. Produce annotated examples of at least 4 film stills and/or film posters in your chosen genre. Post these to your blog if possible - and bring them to the lesson on 17/1/11.

Read the Film Promotion Brief again to make sure you are fully aware of everything you need to produce.

Find 4 examples of features/reviews of a new film from a range of the following: newspapers, lifestyle magazines, film magazines. Post these to your blog if possible and bring them to the lesson on 17/1/11.

Find at least 4 examples of official film websites promoting films of the genre you intend to produce. Add hyperlinks to these sites on your blog and explain how the sites appeal to their target audience.

All group members must complete the Production Intentions sheet and this info must be posted to your blog.

Everything due: 17/1/11

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