Monday, February 07, 2011

12C Work for 8/2/11 + HW

By 15/2/11 you must have completed a detailed Case Study PowerPoint for ALL THREE of your primary texts.

You need to include:

Detailed information on how your primary texts are promoted across the 3 platforms

The codes and conventions of your 3 primary texts and all the other texts you have researched across the 3 platforms.

Audience Profiling (Socio-economic group, Age, Gender, Psychographics)

Uses and Gratification Theories and how they relate to your case study

Audience Theories and how they relate to your case study

Detailed information about all the institutions involved in producing all your texts.

Product Placement - Explore in detail the product placement deals for your case study texts and detail the benefits for the institution and the audience.

Due 15/2/11

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