Tuesday, April 05, 2011

12C - Easter HW - Due 26/4/11

Task 1 – answer the following essay question:

Account for the similarities and differences in the codes and conventions used in the media products from your case study.

In your answer you should:

- Provide a brief outline of your case study.

- Compare how and why media products from your case study are similar and/or different within and across media platforms.

- Support your answer with reference to a range of examples from three media platforms.

Task 2 – Find 6 websites and 6 print products (2 for each of your primary case study texts) linked to your primary case study texts. Create a presentation (including annotated screen shots/pages for all 12 media texts) answering the following questions:

- Who are the primary and secondary target audiences for your primary case study texts? How do you know?

- Which gratifications do the e-media and print platforms provide for the primary and secondary target audience of your primary texts.

- How are the e-media and print platforms used to promote your primary texts (synergy)?

- Which institutions produce your primary texts, the websites and print products? Do these institutions have any links with each other? Why?

Email your presentation and essay to lwigley@greenford.ealing.sch.uk by 25/4/11

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