Wednesday, January 11, 2012

VAN 12C Class Work TECHNOPHOBES Questions DUE for Wed Jan 18th's double lesson

BBC Three is launching a new program called “Technophobes”, following the lives of five people who are afraid of technology.

Complete the following questions on your blog:

a. AUDIENCE: Who would this program appeal to? In your answer include gender, socio-economic status, psychographics and demographics
b. INSTITUTION: What assumptions can you make about this program just from knowing that it will be broadcast on BBC Three?
c. MEDIA FORMS: What kind of program are you expecting to see when it is broadcast? Include specific ideas about content, along with more broad knowledge of the codes and conventions of this genre
d. REPRESENTATION: What kind of position or opinion about these “technophobes” would you expect this documentary to project? Explain why.
f. Write a web blog review of the program (as if you have seen the first episode) commenting on one of the subjects/people in it. What kind of tone would your review take?

Do these questions on your blog by next Wed Jan 18th. During the double lesson, I will open your blog and you will give the class an overview of your ideas.

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