Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ill Manors Trailer Analysis

12D - please complete for Monday 17/12.

Watch the Ill Manors trailer again and answer the following questions on your blog...

  1. What are the typical codes and conventions of film trailers - what information is usually provided?
  2. How are trailers distributed? 
  3. How does Ill Manors use trailer conventions?
  4. Who is the target audience? Does it have a unique selling point or use particular techniques to appeal to the audience? Consider the way the scenes are edited together – does the trailer give away any clues about the narrative? Are the main stars visible in the trailer? Is there information about the director of the film? Is there information about the release date? Is a narrator’s voice-over used? 
  5. How has the genre of the film been represented through characters, settings, lighting, colour, music, camera shots/movements/angles and editing?

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