Wednesday, January 16, 2013

(12E) ILL MANORS: Audience Profiling

Create a target audience profile for Ill Manors.

Using the NME Audience Profile for inspiration, create your own target audience profile sheet:

  1. Find a photo that represents the target audience for Ill Manors (you could even name them)
  2. On Photoshop, create a visual collage that includes this photo and answers the following questions:
    • What other media and branded products might this audience consume?
    • What platform do you feel would reach them best? 
  3. You should use mainly images and very short text, however you must also include a text box that includes:
    • Demographic information (age, ethnicity, background, socio-economic gradings etc)
    • A psychographics profile
Post on your blog and write a short justification for your choices. This must be completed in Thursday's lesson.

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