Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Case Study #2 Checklist

For your second text, you'll need to analyse a range of texts from each of the three platforms (like you did for 'Ill Manors')...

...for each text:

  • identify the main codes/conventions being used (media language, genre, narrative...)
  • analyse the representations (of characters/stars) and how they are constructed
  • identify the institution(s) responsible for the text
  • identify the target audience(s) (demographics, psychographics) and how the text is promoted to them and will appeal to them (audience theories)
  • consider any cross-media connections (synergy, intertextuality)
  • compare with 'Ill Manors' (similarities and differences)
  • evaluate how effective they are

12D: Ensure you've done last week's homework (about the text, the website and the trailer), complete the classwork (analysing a print text), and analyse TWO more texts (one broadcast; one e-media) covering all the questions above. Deadline: Monday 18/03/12.

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