Monday, October 14, 2013

12D homework - Mr Halsey

We're getting towards the end of our Film Language unit and have seen clips from some of the best films in cinema history. In order to finish the unit, we've got a lot of homework to get through but this week you'll have plenty of time due to the training day and strike.

The tasks are as follows:

Cinematography task (camera shots and movement)
Choose two extracts from different eras (e.g. one from the 1940s and one from the 2000s) and analyse the cinematography.  What are the key differences? Upload the extracts on your blog by embedding the YouTube videos and write the analysis below.

Editing task
Choose an extract that you think has been edited in a distinctive way and write a 750 word analysis. Upload the extract on your blog by embedding the YouTube video and write the analysis below.

Film Language revision
Before half-term you will have a written test that will involve analysing a film clip. Revise everything we have covered in this unit: mise-en-scene, sound, camerawork and editing.

Due: Monday 21 October

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