Sunday, November 17, 2013

12D cover work: Monday 18 November - Mr Halsey

We were going to screen our preliminary exercises today but I'm going to postpone that until Thursday's lesson - I hope to be back later in the week if everything is OK at home.

Today, you firstly need to make sure your preliminary exercise is finished - that is very important. Mr Babu can help you with the final edit or exporting from Premiere Pro - you also need to hand in a copy to Mr Babu and upload it to YouTube so we can screen it on Thursday.

When you've finished the preliminary exercise, you now need to evaluate it - this is a crucial skill that you will need for your main coursework production later in the year.

Your evaluation needs to include the following:

  • Clear reference to the brief, your planning process, how your storyboard/shot list helped create the final product and what you would do differently next time in terms of pre-production
  • Detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your film
  • Confident use of media language, particularly film language, showing clear understanding of the key concepts of Media Studies (MIGRAIN)

Here's a good example from last year to help you.

Your evaluation needs to be a minimum of 500 words and is due for next Monday 25 November.

Good luck!

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