Monday, November 11, 2013

Audience - psychographics

In your pair, you need to put together a presentation in which you create an example couple for your particular psychographic group and suggest what their media consumption might involve.

First, create an example couple that represents your psychographic group (just like the Mosaic profiles). This Mosaic profile of UK groups and types might help you - can you find a group that matches your psychographic group?

Tell us a bit about the couple – who they are, where they work/study, what they like doing in their spare time. Bring them to life.

Next, outline their media consumption:

Print: What newspapers/magazines does your group read (if any)? Is this on paper or tablet?

Broadcast: What TV programmes/channels do your group watch? Radio stations? TV package – Freeview or Sky? Films?

E-Media: What technology do they own? What websites do they visit (if any)? 

Finally, work out who is going to present what - one person should introduce the couple before the other talks about their media consumption.

The presentations will be in Tuesday's lesson - so be ready!

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