Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Audience theory - tasks

We've covered a LOT of audience theory this week - now it's time to apply it to some examples and answer some questions.

Hypodermic needle theory
Read this article from the Daily Mail. How can you link this news article to the hypodermic needle theory?

Two-step flow model
Read this article on young YouTube star Jamal Edwards. How can you link Jamal Edwards to the two-step flow model?

Uses and Gratifications theory
For each of the four categories (diversion, personal relationships, personal identity, surveillance), choose one media text and write about how it fits that particular audience use or pleasure. Use images and clips to illustrate your points.

Dependency theory
  1. What do YOU primarily use the media for: entertainment or information? (Or something else?)
  2. To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media?
  3. Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? 

All of these questions are your homework this week - due next Monday 2 December.

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