Wednesday, January 15, 2014

12E Cover Work p5/6 Thur 16/1

12E: This is your last double lesson to research, plan and prepare your shoot in your groups.

Do not leave the classroom. Mr Babu will register and supervise you.

Make sure that the detailed shot list is completed (at least 50+ shots - with a variety of shot types, including close ups) along with the script and storyboard, and that all of these are uploaded onto each group member's individual blog.

Don't forget to do this week's progress report too, including the following...

1. What you achieved individually;
2. What you achieved collaboratively with your group;
3. What Went Well this week (WWW) in terms of meeting goals/making progress;
4. Even Better If (EBI)outlining what could be improved;
5. Action Plan for next week, to include dates/deadlines, details of responsibilities, etc.

Do not waste this time - if you complete the above you could do more research into texts similar to yours (always good to keep getting fresh ideas) practice with the camera equipment, or rehearse some of the scenes you'll be performing.

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