Sunday, January 05, 2014

12E MEST1 exam learner response

The real MEST1 exam is on Friday 23 May - between now and then we need to make sure we do everything we can to maximise our grade - it's 50% of the AS level. Before that, we've got another Section A practice in the February mocks and you should be looking to do at least a grade better than you achieved before Christmas.

Today, type up your feedback to ensure you have a record of it (you don't have to write the mark and grade if you don't want to) and complete the following tasks for your learner response:

1) What three things will you do differently in the February mock exam as a result of your feedback? Explain in detail - imagine you are giving yourself advice in the build-up to the next Media exam you have.

2) What grade are you aiming for in the February mock exam? Justify your answer.

3) What grade are you realistically aiming to achieve in this exam component in MayJustify your answer.

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