Wednesday, February 05, 2014

12E... Ill Manors: the story so far

We have done a lot of excellent work on Ill Manors already with plenty more to come.

You should now have the following either on your blogs or in progress:

  1. 750 word film review
  2. Ill Manors trailer – questions
  3. Ill Manors: The Making Of – questions
  4. TEDx lecture questions: values and ideology
  5. Ill Manors music video: questions and analysis (ongoing homework due next week)
  6. Ill Manors Film Research: questions (ongoing homework due next week)

All six of these pieces of work need to be on your blog by next Tuesday and collectively they equal many hours of work. However, you do have Monday morning's double lesson to get up to speed if you're worried about finishing task 6 in time.

Good luck!

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