Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mock Exam Revision - Section A

1. Revise all the key terminology/theories from the following...
2. Go back to your two Section A practice exams...
  • 'The Usual Suspects' 
  • 'Frozen Planet' 
...and read through them, checking for errors, reading the WWW/EBI feedback, etc. and then look at your LRs for each exam - they should be on your blog.

3. Do a practice exam  - on paper - under timed conditions: Watch the GTA 5 video game trailer three times, making notes under the four headings in between each viewing...
  • Media Forms: What codes and conventions does the trailer use to establish the text’s genre?
  • Media Representations: How is war represented in the trailer?
  • Media Institutions: In what ways is the trailer typical of the video game industry?
  • Media Audiences: Who does this text appeal to and what pleasures does it offer?
...then spend fifteen minutes answering each question.

Scan and upload your answers onto your blog.

4. If you have more time, practice making notes on any text(s) after watching a 1-2 minute extract of it three times...

Typical texts (it WILL be moving image in the mock)...
  • Adverts
  • TV programme extracts (drama/soap, news, game show, documentary, etc.)
  • Film extracts/ trailers (variety of genres)
  • Music videos
  • Video game extracts/trailers
Typical questions (make notes on each of the four sections)...
  • Media Forms: What techniques does the extract use to establish the text’s genre and/or engage the audience?
  • Media Representations: How is gender/ethnicity/age/disability/sexuality/a place represented in the extract?
  • Media Institutions: In what ways is the extract typical of the film/advertising/television industry and/or what values does it promote?
  • Media Audiences: Who does this text/brand appeal to?

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