Monday, June 09, 2014

Media Magazine research task

One of the best resources for A2 Media is Media Magazine – published every three months and aimed at A Level Media students.

We will be attending the MM Conference in December and also have back issues to use for our Critical Investigation research. All these back issues are now on our VLE.

Media Magazine research and presentation
  1. You will be allocated a Media Magazine issue no.
  2. Download it from the VLE (VLE > Departments > Media > Shared documents > Media Magazine
  3. Read it – ALL of it – cover to cover (around 60 pages)
  4. Make a list of all the articles in the issue and email it to Mr Halsey
  5. Prepare a 5 minute presentation about the issue, summarising the theme, listing the content and talking in detail about your favourite article
  6. Presentations should end with: "This would be a great MM issue to look at if you’re doing a Critical Investigation on… [list topics]"
Presentations will be on Monday 23 June, when all of this is due.

You will have one single lesson to work on this but otherwise it is homework and the first significant test of whether you can cut it in A2 Media.

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