Saturday, September 27, 2014

12A Institution feedback

Once we've finished our presentations on some of the biggest media institutions in the world, we need to put our feedback on our blogs. Complete the following:

  • Upload your lesson on your blog (use Google drive and put a link in your blog)
  • Type up the feedback I give your group on your blog (this needs to be done individually)
  • Use this feedback and your own reflection to write three WWWs (What Went Well) and three EBIs (Even Better Ifs) below my feedback on your blogpost.
  • Finally, write a sentence for each of the seven institutions we have covered in these lessons. How much have we learned?

  1. Viacom
  2. The BBC
  3. Time Warner
  4. News Corporation
  5. The Walt Disney Company
  6. Vivendi
  7. BSkyB

Complete for homework if you don't finish it in the lesson - due next Monday.

Extension task
Research the two institutions that weren't selected in the original draw:
  • Sony
  • Trinity Mirror (UK)

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