Sunday, September 14, 2014

12C Cover Work/Homework: Wed. 17/9/14, p3/4

Remember the basic rules first:
  • Arrive on time - make sure you register with the cover teacher/Mr Halsey;
  • Stay in the classroom until the end of the lesson;
  • Work responsibly on the tasks set.
Complete the following for Friday 19/9, p5:
  • Answer all the questions (on paper) from slide 29 until 37, including at least TWO sentences on each of the following: denotation, connotation, colour, pose, framing, composition, size, type of shot, subject matter, setting, lighting. After describing each technique/feature, make sure you try to explain why it has been used.
  • Analyse the Rbk print advert on slide 39.
  • Answer all the questions (on your blog) on slide 38 about the advert, in as much detail as possible. This work will be assessed!

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