Friday, October 17, 2014

12C Cover Work/Homework: Fri. 17/10/14, p5

Remember the basic rules first:
  • Arrive on time - make sure you register with the cover teacher/Mr Halsey;
  • Stay in the classroom until the end of the lesson;
  • Work responsibly on the tasks set.
Complete the following for Wednesday 22/10, p3:

Visit the CoolBrands website and complete the following tasks:

1) Choose five brands that YOU personally admire and explain what you like about them.

2) For each of those five brands, write a sentence/paragraph summing up their brand values. Remember: brand values are the words or qualities that the brand would like to be associated with.

3) Lastly, explain why you think those five brands made the list of the coolest brands in Britain. What is cool about them?

Also, don't forget that the Brand Values homework also needs to be up on your blogs by Wednesday 22/10.

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