Friday, October 10, 2014

Year 12 blog feedback - Mr Halsey

I've now had a chance to have a proper look at your blogs and write you some feedback. Normally, I would comment on an individual blog post but due to the sheer amount of work you've done over the last month I've used written a general comment for each of your blogs as a whole.

You need to copy and paste your comments into a new blog post called 'Blog feedback and learner response'. Then, complete the learner response below my comments. You'll see it's the same learner response for everyone, asking you to reflect on your first month of AS Media and think about the skills you need to develop in the rest of the course.

You can find all my comments in this document. I know you can then look at the comments for other people but since we're publishing on blogs it doesn't make a great deal of difference. 

Overall, there's some great work and most of you have produced a seriously impressive amount of posts in the first month of AS Media - well done!

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