Wednesday, November 26, 2014

12C Cover Work/Homework: Wed. 26/11/14, p3/4

Remember the basic rules first:
  • Arrive on time - make sure you register with the cover teacher/Mr Halsey/Mr Qureshi;
  • Stay in the classroom until the end of the lesson;
  • Work responsibly on the tasks set.
Read the articles (below) and answer the following Audience Theory questions on your blog...

  • How can you link this news article to the hypodermic needle theory? 
  • Find another online article/academic study that challenges the belief that violent video games are harmful. Provide the link and summarise its key points.
  • What's your view on this debate?

  • How can you link this feature to the two-step flow model?
  • Identify FIVE other YouTubers who are influencing audiences. 
  • Post up links to their content and explain how they mediate information/content for their audiences.
Make sure you complete this for homework if it's unfinished. And remember that (from last week) you should also have researched 'Uses and Gratifications Theory' and posted it up on your blog.

Please have all of this for Wednesday 3/12.

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