Monday, November 24, 2014

Film Language test - learner response

A reminder to Year 12 students that you need to write up a detailed learner response for your film language test. This needs to cover the following:
  1. Type up the feedback from your teacher word-for-word on your blog (you don't need to type the mark and grade if you don't want to)
  2. Below this, write a detailed learner response as outlined in your feedback (usually this will involve re-writing your weakest answer on your blog)

Feel free to use our mark scheme, grade boundaries and potential responses document to help with your learner response - there is no trick here, we want you to take your time and prove you can write a 12/12 answer given the ideal circumstances. This then sets the bar for your next assessment in January. 

The Usual Suspects clip from the test is here:

As usual, if you don't finish this in the lesson time provided you MUST finish for homework - due next week.

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