Thursday, November 20, 2014

Year 12 cover work: Mr Halsey 21/11/14

12A: 21/11/14 P3
Firstly, make sure you've finished Monday's work on Uses and Gratifications theory (plus the two tasks reinforcing the Hypodermic Needle and Two-Step Flow theories).

The final aspect of audience theory is one step beyond Uses and Gratifications - read the notes below then complete the questions in a separate blog post.

Dependency theory

Rokeach and DeFleur took Uses and Gratifications one step further in 1976 in suggesting that people have become dependent on the media.

With Dependency theory, they suggest that people rely on the media for information determining their decisions. This means the media can create many different feelings such as fear, anxiety, and happiness.

Blog task - answer the following questions

1) What do YOU primarily use the media for: entertainment or information? (Or something else?)

2) To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media?

3) Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? How?

4) Read this Telegraph article – does this support Dependency theory? What is your personal opinion on this issue? 

12C: 21/11/14 P6
Your Preliminary Exercise is due on Monday - make sure you have edited it, exported it and uploaded it to YouTube. It needs to be up on your blog for the screening on Monday.

If you have completed that, you can get ahead on next week's work and start to evaluate your preliminary exercise. Write a list of the strengths and weaknesses of your preliminary exercise, thinking carefully about the lessons you have learned for the real coursework you'll start next week.

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