Wednesday, December 10, 2014

New issue of Media Magazine out

As a Media department, we subscribe to Media Magazine, an excellent resource for Media students with articles on all the key issues dominating the contemporary media landscape.

If you're serious about aiming for an A or A* grade in A Level Media overall then you need to read it - when each issue comes out and the archive too.

The new issue of Media Magazine (MM50 - December 2014) contains articles on science fiction, case studies on Lionsgate (the Hunger Games film studio), the BBC and an article called The Female Gaze - rethinking representation. There's plenty that will inform your case studies, critical investigations and exam preparation.

We have a fantastic online Media Magazine archive (the last 20 issues available in pdf format) along with a Word document tracking all the articles in the last 20 issues that makes searching for topics and issues easy.

Make use of it!

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