Friday, February 06, 2015

Ill Manors: Print platform initial tasks

Read the following print articles:

For EACH of the four interviews, embed an image or screengrab from that magazine's brand and work through the following questions and tasks:

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?
2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory)
3) Does this text allow the audience to participate/contribute? (E.g. leave comments) How is this different to the print version of the magazine?
4) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 
5) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article?
6) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied?
Finish for homework if you don't complete these in the lesson - deadline TBC.

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