Sunday, March 22, 2015

MEST2 Evaluation: third brief exemplar

You should now be making good progress with your 1,500 word MEST2 evaluation.

The original blogpost with guidance is here.

This paragraph may be useful as an exemplar for the section on the third brief (e-media). Remember, you MUST NOT use this exactly (think how obvious your plagiarism would be) but it does give you an idea of the areas you need to cover:
The third brief required us to make an E-Media campaign. This would contain a website promoting Insincere along with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. An E-Media campaign would successfully help me target my 15-35 audience as that is the primary age group using the internet and social networking sites and more awareness of Insincere would be created. I could have used an Insincere website to launch the official two minute opening scene to the production or even small snippets put together as a ‘teaser trailer’. Also, the website would include exclusive backstage footage, pictures, character blogs, competition chances and more. The Insincere opening scene could also be launched on Youtube which is viral and reaches audiences immediately, as well as social networking sites, BBC iPlayer and the BBC website. Vines could also be created showing a 5-6 second video of the opening scene, again creating awareness of Insincere. All of these forms of social media are helpful as they will gain fans and feedback as audiences have the opportunity to leave comments. Also, by fans following the Twitter and Facebook pages along with the Youtube channel, audiences can interact and attract a larger audience. I could have created synergy between my final production and E-Media campaign by including the hashtag ‘#insincere’. Although I included this on the cover of my magazine, immediately when a hashtag is shown audiences associate it with social network. 

Good luck! 

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