Monday, March 16, 2015

MEST2 Evaluation

Deadlines are fast approaching and you now need to be working on your MEST2 Evaluation. This is worth 20 marks and will make or break your overall coursework grade.

You can find the evaluation guidance here. You don't have to follow it exactly but you DO need to address each aspect in some way if you want to achieve a top mark.

The original MEST2 briefs are here. Remember, we have done Brief 1 (Silver Lining Productions) and within that Broadcasting (task i) and Print (task ii). You must make this clear in your introduction. Remember your evaluation also needs to address the third brief, e-media. I recommend focusing on what you would have done for e-media task ii (e-media marketing campaign) and offer some detailed, creative ideas for how you could use social media and new technology to promote your TV show.

Make sure you have a draft of your evaluation written for your last double lesson before Easter - otherwise, you won't be able to get any feedback and may miss out on crucial marks. For 12C - that's next Monday so needs to be a homework priority THIS week.

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