Friday, April 24, 2015

Independent case study: peer assessment

Today, we are going to assess the case study of the person above us in our class list on the Y12 blog.

Create a blogpost in YOUR OWN blog and work through the following tasks/questions. You'll need to look at their case study carefully to both learn about the film they have chosen and also pick up ideas for improving your case study:
  1. Name of student whose blog you are assessing:
  2. Name of film they have researched:
  3. Have they covered all three platforms
  4. Examples they have provided from print platform:
  5. Examples they have provided from broadcast platform:
  6. Examples they have provided from e-media platform:
  7. What institutional information did they find out about the film?
  8. What issues did they find in terms of representation in the film they studied?
  9. What links or comparisons can you find between this case study and Ill Manors?
  10. Is there anything you can learn from this case study? What could you add to your own case study after looking at someone else's work?
You should be able to complete this in class time but obviously you will need to finish it for homework if not - due on Monday.

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