Monday, April 13, 2015

Section B exam question

Welcome back!

We've got just FOUR weeks until Year 12 study leave and need to fit a full MEST1 mock exam into that time too. I know you'll be focusing on coursework this week but you also need to be stepping up your exam revision and preparation too. As soon as I have a date for the MEST1 mock exam I'll let you know.

For now, we need to be improving our planning for Section B of the MEST1 exam.

The question we've looked at in class:

Consider how imaginative techniques are used by media products from your cross-media study to attract and maintain audiences. Support your answer with reference to a range of examples from three media platforms. [32 marks]

Remember you need to type up a detailed plan for this question on your blog. We'll be working on a sample paragraph next week and then writing full practice essays from there.

Make sure you've typed up your plan by your double lesson next week.

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