Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Follow GHS Media on Twitter

The key to success in A Level Media is being engaged with the media and knowledgeable about the big stories of the day.

To help you do this, I'm delighted to say that the legendary Greenford High School Macguffin Blog is on Twitter. We'll be posting links to interesting Media stories, homework reminders and deadlines throughout the year. You'll find us:

If you haven't joined Twitter, do so: it's a brilliant way of keeping up with what's happening in the media and you don't have to publish tweets yourself if you don't want to. Once you're on board, follow the following Twitter accounts to give yourself a comprehensive daily update on the media world:

Newspaper media sections
Media Guardian @mediaguardian
i newspaper @theipaper
Independent Media @TheIndyMedia
Telegraph film   @TelegraphFilm

Useful Media Studies-related accounts
The Media blog    @TheMediaTweets
Brilliant Ads @Brilliant_Ads
Pete Fraser @petesmediablog
Media Edu @mediaedusites

Big media personalities
Rupert Murdoch @rupertmurdoch
Piers Morgan @piersmorgan
Alasdair Campbell @campbellclaret

Roy Greenslade @GreensladeR
Mehdi Hasan @mehdirhasan
Owen Jones @OwenJones84
Nick Sutton @suttonnick
Nick Davies @Bynickdavies

Film4 @Film4
Mo Farah @Mo_Farah
YouGov polling  @YouGov

There are many, many more Twitter accounts you can follow to keep up on certain aspects of the media and anything else you're interested in. Get involved and immerse yourself in the world of the media.

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