Sunday, November 08, 2015

Y12 Folder check and MIGRAIN index

As we are at the half-way point in our MIGRAIN introduction to Media unit, we need to set a couple of pieces of homework that check we are keeping up to date with all the work so far. This means a folder check and creating an index of all our MIGRAIN key concept work so far.

Folder check
On Friday you need to bring an up-to-date folder to the lesson to show you are organising all of your notes, work, test papers and more. Specifically, we will be checking you've got the following:
  • Ring binder folder or equivalent
  • Dividers - section for each teacher
  • Notes in chronological order/title/date
  • High quality notetaking
  • Blog print-out - to end of last half-term (for assessment/revision purposes)
  • Homework completed/quality of homework
Due: Friday

We have already covered many of the MIGRAIN key concepts in Media but if you've missed any lessons for whatever reason you could have missed some crucial teaching or theory that you'll need in the MEST1 exam.

In order to avoid this problem, you need to create a simple index that links to your blog post for each piece of work we've done so far this year. We'll then update this index at the end of the unit. Your index should include the following:

1) Media consumption audit
2) Reading an image: RBK advert analysis & own choice advert analysis
3) Institution: major media institution research and presentation
4) Institution: brand values
5) Institution: CoolBrands research
6) Narrative: narrative theory YouTube clip analysis
7) Audience: psychographics
8) Audience: audience theory blog tasks/questions
9) Audience: audience theory - dependency theory

For your index, the text should link to YOUR corresponding blogpost so you can access your work on each key concept quickly and easily. This also means you if you have missed anything you can catch up with the work and notes and won't underperform in the exam due to gaps in your knowledge.

Due: Friday

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